

词汇 stage of
释义 stage of
stage of发音



stave off───避开;延缓

stage door───n.后台入口,剧院后门

stage left───舞台左侧

stage show───舞台演出

stage peg───舞台挂钩

stage set───n.场景和道具布置

stage doors───n.后台入口,剧院后门

stage lefts───舞台左侧

stage shows───舞台演出


C-sections are seldom done at that stage of pregnancy.───很少在怀孕的那个阶段实施剖腹产。

Each stage of the battle was carried off flawlessly.───战斗的每个阶段都都进行得很完美。

People tend to work hard at this stage of life.───人在这个人生阶段往往发奋努力。

it is as though coming out of the closet in China is only a temporary stage of development, a passing phase.───就好像壁橱里出来的时候,中国只是一个临时的发展阶段,一个阶段。

Parents used to think playing video games was just a stage of childhood that would disappear with time.───父母过去常常认为玩电子游戏只会停留在孩提时代,随着时间的推移会(兴趣)慢慢减退的。

Distinguishing the early stage of a wave from that of a ripple is very hard. There is no magic formula to doing this right.───正确区分早期海浪和早期微波很困难,没有什么灵丹妙药。

Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman.───月经(例假)的来到是女孩青春期中经历的一个重要阶段,它是女孩变为女人的众多生理变化之一。

Just as it was last time around, the key to the next stage of the computer industry is in fact the commoditization of the previous stage.───正如它的最后一次,对计算机产业的下一个阶段的关键是前一段商品化的事实。

Hydrogen technology is better suited for generator applications and for industrial uses at its current stage of development, he said.───在目前发展阶段,氢气技术更适合运用到发电机和工业。


The first stage of our journey to Xi'an will be the flight from Dalian to Beijing.

He is in the terminal stage of cancer.

The corpse was in an advanced stage of decomposition.

People tend to work hard at this stage of life.

They've just reached the halfway stage of the project.

The team reached the semi-final stage of the competition.

The next stage of the trip is about one hundred miles.

at the half-way stage of the race.

Each stage of the battle was carried off flawlessly.

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