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词汇 spotted by
释义 spotted by
spotted by发音



spotted ray───斑点射线

spotted ball───n.有黑点的白球

spotted rays───斑点射线

spotted dog───葡萄干布丁

spotted gum───[林][植]斑桉

spotted owl───斑点猫头鹰

spouted bed───喷泉床

gotten by───v.通过;过得去;过活;获得认可

potted on───v.移到大的盆子


Don't be spotted by those wolves.───不能被那些狼看到。

Lone Woman of San Nicolas"—an Indian woman first spotted by an otter hunter in 1853, completely alone on an island off the coast of California.───圣·尼古拉斯的独行女”——她是一名印第安人,于1853年首次被一位水獭猎人发现,在加利福尼亚海边的一座岛上过着完全与世隔绝的生活。

Evelyn's excellent organizational skills were soon spotted by her employers.───伊夫琳出色的组织才干很快就被她的雇主发现了。

DE. 50 is awesome as you are always being spotted by the enemy point blank.───因为你经常会被敌人发现,所以DE.50(沙鹰)是很好的选择。

Just as the men clear the bridge, they're spotted by the SUV. The officer at the wheel demands that they stop, but the men run on.───团伙刚跨过大桥就被警方发现了。车上的警察叫他们停住,但他们继续跑着。

At this event, she was spotted by a designer of exotic lingerie and was recruited as a model for his extravagant jeweled brassieres.───在婚礼上,她被一位情趣内衣设计师看中,后者把她选为奢侈珠宝胸罩的模特。

He is said to have left late the following night and was spotted by the police while he was swimming back across the lake.───据称他在第二天晚上离开翁山苏姬的住地,在游水过湖的时候被警察看见。

They were spotted by the police as they were entering the bank.───他们进入银行时就被警察发现了。

A girl in care, Nina, is spotted by a French woman who believes her to be her baby, stolen years before from a supermarket trolley.───被收养所收容的女孩尼娜被一个法国女人所认出,她坚信尼娜就是她多年前在超市手推车里被人拐走的女儿。


The distress flares were spotted by another ship.

He was spotted by police boarding a plane for Paris.

The thief was spotted by vigilant neighbours.

They were quickly spotted by a police patrol who ushered them off the motorway and down the A41 slip road.

An Axis supply convoy was now spotted by a Maryland, and on 7 May an attack was laid on.

He had been spotted by an alert neighbour.

Evelyn's excellent organisational skills were soon spotted by her employers.

The blaze was spotted by an off-duty fire-fighter.

He was spotted by a scout at the age of 13.

  • spotted owl
  • spotted fever
  • spotted ratings




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