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beer mug───啤酒杯;有耳啤酒杯

bear hugs───熊抱

beer guts───啤酒肚(等于gut)

beer mats───啤酒杯垫子

beer busts───(以啤酒为主要饮料的)啤酒狂欢会,啤酒欢宴会

beer pongs───啤酒乒乓;投杯球

beer pumps───从啤酒筒抽出啤酒的唧筒




on one side of the forecourt ran a skittle-alley, with benches along it and little wooden tables marked with rings that hinted at beer-mugs.───在前庭的下首,有个九柱戏场,周围摆着条凳和小木桌,桌上印着一些圆圈,是摆啤酒杯的标志。

Many drivers - strung out from the long desert slog - prefer to push through the night rather than staying in the seedy roadside inns that serve up young prostitutes as cheaply as mugs of millet beer.───很多司机——在沙漠中拍着长队艰难前行——宁可夜间行路不愿呆在路边破烂的酒馆里,那里有年轻的娼妓,便宜得只值几杯稷麦啤酒的价钱。

If you're planning on drinking a LOT of beer, you might consider purchasing one of the insulated plastic mugs to keep your brew cool longer.───如果你打算喝很多啤酒,你可以考虑买一个隔热的塑料杯较长时间保持啤酒的凉度。

Heinrich Kath, a farmer, shows off some of his approximately 20, 000 beer mugs in Cuxhaven, northern Germany.───农民HeinrichKath在德国北部的Cuxhaven展示着他那约20000个啤酒马克杯中的一部份。

Some customers on the other side of the building felt the quake, Basquez said, and some beer mugs sitting on the bar moved slightly.───巴斯克斯说,在同幢建筑另一边的一些顾客有震感,并且一些放在酒吧里的大酒杯有些微的移动。

Mr. Ward found beer mugs, a stovetop grill and leather cooking gloves he liked at TheManRegistry. com.───卢卡斯·沃德在TheManRegistry.com上找到了自己喜欢的啤酒杯、一个圆形烧烤盘和一副皮质的厨用手套。

Young women in traditional dirndl dresses pose with beer mugs at the Oktoberfest beer festival on September 19, 2009.───在传统dirndl服装的年轻妇女对与出席2009年9月19日慕尼黑啤酒节啤酒杯。

Still Life with Three Beer Mugs───三个啤酒杯


He collected the leftovers in his customers' beer mugs and afterwards re-sold them as a special brew.

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