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词汇 sound effect
释义 sound effect
sound effect发音



sound effects───音效

ground effect───地面效应

founder effect───奠基者效应;[进化]建立者效应;始祖效应

ground effects───地面效应

Gunn effect───甘恩效应

Joule effect───[热]焦耳效应

skin effect───集肤效应

founder effects───创始人效应

profound effect───深刻的影响


So we went to the Tezuka archive and found the sound effect, and we use it a little bit in our movie as an homage." We hear that.───所以我们找了手冢的档案,找到了音效,我们也使用来一小部分于我们的电影中,也作为一种对他的致敬。

Deletes loaded sound effect and frees associated resources.───删除加载的声音效果并释放相关联的资源.

The sound effect is very realistic.───音响效果十分逼真.

Now, a solution to this “sound effect” may be in sight.───现在,这种“声音影响”的解决办法可能已在眼前。

The Japanese sound effect for a chirp or peep, made by small birds or rodents.───表示一种小鸟的叫声,或者老鼠的吱吱声.

Sound effect handling outside stations has been improved.───空间站外的声音效果处理已经改进.

Sports Clock, Neon Clock, Neon Sign Product, Sound Effect Wall Clock, Blooming Clock, Neon Wall Clock.───采购产品体育时钟, 霓虹灯时钟, 霓虹灯标志产品, 声音效果挂钟, 盛开的时钟, 霓虹灯挂钟.

The sound effect will be dubbed in later.───音响效果以后会附加上去.

Loads a sound effect from memory, resource pack or disk file.───从内存 、 资源包或者磁盘文件加载一个声音效果.

It can be seen, Quanzhou in the history of sound effect.───由此可见, 泉州音在历史上的影响之大.

Suppose you open a track of MP3 data, and somewhere in the middle of that track you want to have the data "filtered" in a special way, perhaps adding an echoing sound effect to it.───假设您打开了一个MP3数据音轨,而在音轨中间的某个位置,您想要数据有一种特殊的“过滤”效果,比如添加一种回音音效。

If the player walks on a dock, a seagull sound effect might be triggered.───当玩家走上码头时, 海鸥的声音被触发.

Handle of a sound effect to be played.───播放这个声音效果的句柄.


The stereo sound effects were superb, as was the commentary by Colin Garratt.

The props - ruins, guns, sound effects - were always there.

With modern commentary and sound effects.

Joe Meek's futuristic sound effects made Telstar Britain's most successful pop instrumental.

Special sound effects were still a problem though.

Clever lighting and sound effects brought greater realism to the play.

The sound effects had been prerecorded and were added to the dialogue.

Voice over Music ending on sound

Taping your own sound effects is another interesting part of video movie making: it can become almost a hobby in itself.

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