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词汇 son in law
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sunshine law───公开性保障法;阳光法

Mosaic law───n.摩西律法

Roman law───罗马法

canon law───教会法;教会法规

common law───习惯法;不成文法


My father loved him like a son even though he, like son-in-law number one, was not rich.───我父亲把他当作自己的亲生儿子一样爱他,即便他也像大女婿一样,并不富有。

All went inside the bank — Jimmy included, for Mr. Adams's future son - in - law was welcome anywhere.───他们走进银行——基米也在里边.亚当斯先生的乘龙快婿到处都受欢迎.

In an effort to fulfill his duty as son - in - law , Hung - chien paid occasional visits to the Suns.───鸿 渐 勉尽半子之职, 偶到孙家一去.

She ceded all power to her son-in-law who now runs the country as an autocracy.───她把权力全部交给自己的女婿,他现在对国家实行独裁统治。

Gains a son - in - law to the network, the net friend expressed the different view.───对网络招 婿, 网友表达了不同的看法.

Fortunately Jones and his new son - in - law hit it off from the very beginning.───幸好琼斯和他的新姑爷一开始就相处得很好.

His son - in - law is very competent.───他的 子婿 非常能干.

He owns rickshaws , you pull them, he wouldn't accept a son - in - law so far below him.───他是拴车的, 你是拉车的, 他不肯往下走亲戚.

My wife called our son-in-law to rescue us.───我的妻子打电话给我们的女婿,叫他来解救我们。


Father: but this young man is the son in law of Bill Gate!

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