soft fruits───浆果类
spore fruit───n.子囊果
stone fruit───[植]核果
sweet fruit───甜水果
soft brush───软刷
soft drug───对健康伤害较少的毒品;不会成瘾的毒品
soft drugs───对健康伤害较少的毒品;不会成瘾的毒品
soft foci───软灶
soft rot───软腐病
It is a powerful, generous , remarkably well - structured wine with flavors of soft fruit and vanilla.───酒体澎湃, 富有力度, 柔和的果香与香草口味颇具层次感.
Pleasant , dark colour. A full - bodied, Black cherry and the tang of soft fruit. Appealing and round wine.───迷人深红的酒色, 酒体丰厚, 带有浓?的黑梅等成熟果香味, 口感、平衡、酒体结构表现都非常理想,是一款相当有吸引力的葡萄酒.
Soft fruit bruises easily.───细嫩的水果容易碰损.
Our Baby Food Grinder turns soft fruit, veggies and proteins into bite - size pieces.───我们的婴儿食品研磨机能磨软的水果 、 蔬菜和蛋白质放入一口大小的块.
Bouquet and taste intense vinous scent with notes of marasca cherry, violets and soft fruit.───酒香及口感:有着宜人的花香及成熟果实的芳香,樱桃等水果的芳香.口感清爽 、 悦人,口感丰富.
Grievances also abounds in apples, pears winter fruit, soft fruIt'such as pears children.───苦水还盛产苹果 、 冬果梨 、 软儿梨等水果.
I won't forget you your kisses likes like soft fruit.───我想忙记你,你那水果般温柔的吻.
Soft fruIt'squashes easily.───无核的小水果容易压烂.
The skin of a soft fruit bruises easily.───细嫩的水果皮容易碰损.
Product Description: Paw paw is a large soft fruit with a thin, greenish skin.───中文描述: 大个儿的柔软的水果, 皮薄为绿色.
I won't forget you your kisses likes like soft fruit.───我不能忘记你,你那水果般温柔的吻。
Berries, currants and other soft fruit.───樱桃、红醋栗和其他软质果实。
While we were doing that we discovered that we could treat soft fruit easily with the plasma beam.───当我们这样做,我们发现,发软的水果可以用等离子束轻松的处理。 众所周知,变软的水果很难长时间保存,因为它很容易腐烂和散发异味。
Bouquet and taste intense vinous scent with notes of marasca cherry, violets and soft fruit.
Pleasant , dark colour. A full - bodied, Black cherry and the tang of soft fruit. Appealing and round wine.
Soft fruit bruises easily.
In the Perth/Borders area tourism and soft fruit occupied the summer and autumn periods.
It has a pure, clean, open, floral, aromatic soft fruit bouquet of cherry, wild raspberry and cranberry.
There are three candidate explanations for this reduced capacity to process fibre: increased reliance on soft fruit, increased consumption of meat, and increased food processing.
Soft fruit squashes easily.
September Take cuttings from strong young shoots and root outdoors as for soft fruit.
It just seemed a pity that Norfolk should have no more appetising soft fruit.
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