

词汇 So and so
释义 So and so
So and so发音




go and do───去做某事

to and fro───来回地

scot and lot───苏格兰和罗得

mom and pop───家庭经营的小零售店;(指商店)小型的

body and soul───n.灵与肉,灵与欲(电影名);身体与灵魂(音乐名)

scot and lots───苏格兰威士忌

so much so───太多了


It would be a case of "just do so-and-so and here'syour cash"───就是这样一种情况,“只要干某某事,你就能拿到钱”。

Never mind what so - and - so says.───别管 某某 人怎么说.

Don't be afraid of doing it because so - and - so may laugh at you.───不要因怕某人笑话你而害怕做那件事.

That so - and - so who mended my watch charged me £20!───那个给我修表的坏家伙居然要价二十镑!

Dear Mr. so - and - so : May I draw your attention to the following.───某先生台鉴.

Mr. so and so came to see you this morning.───今天上午某某先生来看过你.

That man is a ringer for so - and - so.───那个人很像某人.

So Deacon So - and - So can get a new Benz?───那些管事的人可以买一辆新的奔驰?

All her fault, the wicked little so-and-so.───都是她的错,这个小坏东西。

He told me to do so - and - so.───他叫我如此这般地做.

Miss so - and - so goes to Sogo to sew the goat's soaked soccer.───某某 小姐到“搜狗”去缝山羊浸湿了的足球.

witness to say, hey, he reminded me of so and so, and that maybe someone they know, but it may well be a celebrity face.───当积累更多知识时,我们将改变自己的大脑,并因此继续积累更多知识。

Curious now how the good Lord so and so is requiting me for my benevolence.───证人常常说,嘿,他让我想起某某人,这人也许是他们的熟人,也可能是一个名人。

The Misses So - and - so would give a party on Wednesday evening at Sherry's.───某某 小姐兹定于星期三晚上假座谢丽饭店举行晚会.

You tell so and so to go and get stuffed.───告诉某某,别胡说八道了.

Our neighbour's a bad - tempered old so - and - so.───我们的邻居是个脾气很坏的家伙.

There is always some so - and - so who doesn't get the word.───总是有些人不能领会到要旨.


Nature abhors a vacuum, journalism even more so, and so it fills absence with windiness.

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I sometimes get these letters that are ten pages, and handwritten, from women pouring their hearts out and, for security reasons, I can only respond with a headshot and 'Dear so and so, be good.

  • So difficult
  • Soapmeet tiem
  • So empty
  • So and so
  • So on
  • So I miss you
  • Sotos name
  • So lo
  • So do
  • Sourw ic
  • Sok ch
  • Some more




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