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snow cover───积雪;积雪层;雪盖层

snow caves───雪洞

snow cones───n.雪锥

snow scooters───滑雪板车

crown covers───[林]林冠

slow cookers───煲锅;慢炖煲;慢炖锅;慢烧锅

snow blowers───旋转式清雪机,除雪机


book covers───书的封面封底;图书封面;书皮


The heavy snow covers the high way.───这场大雪覆盖了高速公路。

The thick snow covers the ground.───厚厚的雪覆盖着地面。

covers the rooftops of buildings in central London on December 20, 2010.───12月20号,伦敦市中心的建筑屋顶被大学覆盖。

Su remnants snow covers with to scatter hair and seems to be quite distress, in fact that because Su cripple snow is lazy and comb hair.───苏残雪披散着头发,好像很狼狈,其实那是因为苏残雪懒和梳头。但她却盘腿从在石床上用小钳子夹核桃吃。

In December and January, deep snow covers the land like a beautiful white blanket.───在十二月和一月,厚厚的积雪像是美丽的白毯子般覆盖大地。

In winter, when deep snow covers the ground, they stay in the treetops, relying on lichens, leaves and bark.───冬天,当白雪覆盖大地的时候,这些短尾猿就呆在树顶上,以苔藓,树叶和树皮为生。

Snow covers the mountains' peaks, but the lower slopes look like rust -- dry, rocky, and bare.───河谷周围的群山顶部覆盖着积雪,而山腰以下一片铁锈色。干燥,岩石嶙峋,寸草不生就是这里的景象。

The mountain is covered with the red maple leaves and chrysanthemum flowers in Autumn, and snow covers all of the mountain in winter.───到了秋天,红色的枫叶和菊花漫山遍野,冬天,白雪铺满整个山间。

The snow covers in the northern hemisphere and floating ice in the Arctic Ocean have decreased.───在北冰洋中的北方半球和漂浮冰中的雪盖已经减少。


The thick snow covers the ground.

Heavy snow covers the Ironbridge World Heritage Site. The world's first cast iron bridge was built over the River Severn at Coalbrookdale in 1779.

Imago 2, white snow covers the low bungalow.

While the snow covers one world it now also reveals another.

  • snowfall totals
  • snow bear
  • snowed under
  • snow heart
  • snow d
  • snowed heavily
  • snow fairy
  • snow world
  • snow blink
  • snow line
  • snowy mountain
  • snowed in
  • snow lily
  • snowball effect
  • snow boat
  • snow stars
  • snow covers
  • snowflake boy
  • snow melts
  • snow mountain
  • snowpas it




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