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词汇 smoking cessation
释义 smoking cessation
smoking cessation发音



burning sensation───灼热感;烧灼感

docking station───扩充口;插接站;系泊部位

smoking compartment───吸烟车厢

complete cessation───完全停止

tingling sensation───刺痛感

smoking compartments───吸烟车厢

Hawking radiation───霍金辐射

banking operation───银行经营



It's a wonderful first step, because smoking cessation is a real problem - it's not easy to quit.───这是绝妙的第一步,因为吸烟上瘾是个现实的问题,戒烟并不容易。

Depression may also lead to early addictive smoking, and recurrent depression impedes smoking cessation attempts.───抑郁也可能导致更早有烟瘾。反复的抑郁妨碍了戒烟的尝试。

smoking cessation did not affect low density lipoprotein or LDL - the bad cholesterol.───戒烟并不会影响到体内低密度脂蛋白- - -有害的胆固醇的含量。

For smoking cessation without adequate mental preparation and physical preparation, whim camel began to think of quitting.───对戒烟不作充分的思想准备和物质准备,心血来潮般地想到戒烟就开始。

consumers to "smoke" question the effectiveness of smoking cessation did not affect the "smoke" sales skyrocket.───消费者对“如烟”戒烟效果的质疑并没有影响“如烟”销售收入一路飙升。

However, smoking cessation did not affect low density lipoprotein or LDL - the bad cholesterol.───戒烟并不会影响到体内低密度脂蛋白---有害的胆固醇的含量。

Varenicline should be used for smoking cessation when nicotine replacement products have failed or are undesired.───瓦伦尼克林应当用于戒烟的尼古丁替代产品时,已经失败或不受欢迎。

this is something designed to be a supplement, it is not a smoking cessation product like the nicotine gum or the patch.───这种产品其实是一种尼古丁替代品,而不是像尼古丁口香糖或药帖那些帮助戒烟的产品。

The information collected through the surveys can be used to target particular regions for smoking cessation programs.───由此收集的信息可用于帮助特定地区实施戒烟计划。


Hypnotically Enhanced Treatment For Addictions: Alcohol Abuse, Drug Abuse, Gambling, Weight Control And Smoking Cessation.

Types of smoking cessation aids Nicorette, a chewing gum containing nicotine, is by far the most widely tested cessation product.

The probability of smoking cessation increased by 40% if a person smoked less than 10 cigarettes per day.

Arrange smoking cessation advice in contemplative of reducing or stopping tobacco consumption.

If bupropion is found to be more effective for smoking cessation than sertraline, the investigators plan to repeat the trials in non-depressed pregnant women.

After 5 years of smoking cessation, the risks are the same as those of a nonsmoker .

Bupropion is a prescription medication classified as a type of antidepressant. A sustained-release form of bupropion is approved for smoking cessation.

Smoking cessation may improve natural fertility and success rates with infertility treatment.

A low-salt diet, weight loss, smoking cessation, limited alcohol intake, and exercise can prevent or treat hypertension or reduce medication if drug therapy proves necessary.

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