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Pulitzer prize───普利策奖

Pulitzer prizes───普利策奖


star prize───明星奖

sticker price───n.标价;定价

trigger price───引发价格;闸门价格


Booker Prize───布克文学奖

Nobel prize───诺贝尔奖


He realized his fondest dream when he won the Pulitzer Prize.───他获得普利策奖金时,他实现了最美好的梦想.

Cornelia Grumman of the Chicago Tribune won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing.───《芝加哥论坛报》的科妮莉亚?格莱曼获得了普利策社论写作奖.

The Grapes of Wrath, novel by Steinbeck, was published in 1939 and awarded a Pulitzer Prize.───《愤怒的葡萄》, 是斯坦贝克所写的小说, 发表于1939年,曾获普利策奖.

In addition to all of the above, she won a Pulitzer Prize in 1980.───除上述外, 她还在一九八○年获得普利策奖.

Last year he won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.───去年,他以自己的诗集赢得了普利策奖。

The novel The Age of Innocence won her Pulitzer Prize, and edited into play and movie.───作品获得普利策文学奖, 并被改编成戏剧、电影搬上舞台.

It won a Pulitzer Prize and is often required reading in high school.───它还荣膺普利策奖,是高中的常备读物.

The Wall Street Journal won a Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting.───《华尔街日报》获得了普利策深度报道奖.

In addition to all of the above, she win a Pulitzer prize in 1980.───除上述外, 她还在一九八○年获得普立兹奖.

One of the members of the family is Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Jennifer Higdon.───这个音乐大家庭的一位成员是获得普利策奖的作曲家詹尼佛。西格顿。

Robert Caro won a Pulitzer Prize for his third book about former President Lyndon Johnson.───罗伯特?卡罗则凭借他第三部描写前任总统林登?约翰逊的传记获得了一项普利策奖.

It was the work in which I, and other investigative reporters, won the Pulitzer Prize.───正是这项工作让我和其他记者赢得了普利策新闻奖。

John Updike was a Pulitzer - prize winning author of novels, verse, essays and criticism.───约翰·厄普代克,普利策奖得主,小说家 、 诗人 、 散文家和评论家.

In nineteen seventy - eight, he won the Pulitzer Prize for one of them.───在1978年, 他赢得了普利策奖.


Rosenthal won a Pulitzer Prize for that photo.

Hope it wins a Pulitzer Prize.

Pulitzer Prize winning historian and Kennedy insider Arthur Schlesinger has died at the age of 89.

His book won the Pulitzer Prize for literature.

Two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Anthony Lewis is among the great American journalists of the past half century.

Marianne Moore, one of the Pulitzer Prize winners, contributes a lot to the development of the modern American poetry through her own writing style and idea of poetics.

Winner of the Pulitzer Prize and three Academy Awards, Geisel authored and illustrated44 children's books.

They included all Pulitzer Prize winners, Desert Island Discs choices from recent years, Oprah's Bookclub list, and, of course, The Guardian's Top 100 Books of All Time.

It was reported by two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Dana Priest and author, researcher, and military expert William M. Arkin.





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