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词汇 become reality
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become a reality───成为现实

objective reality───客观的现实;客观存在

economic reality───经济现实;经济实况

welcome respite───欢迎休息

income inequality───[劳经]收入不平衡;所得不均


;utal reality───残酷的现实




I can't wait to see that idea become reality.───我迫不及待的希望看到这个想法变成现实。

But could such a tale ever become reality?───但这种神话究竟能不能变成现实呢?

Trust is a kind of power. If we have trust sooner and later it will become reality.───相信是一种力量,只要相信,它迟早会变成真的。

So we love each other, this sudden love seemed like the dreams, dare not to think, dares to want to dare not say, is now all become reality.───就这样我们彼此相爱了,这突如其来的爱仿佛梦境般,不敢想的、敢想不敢说的,现已都成现实。

But at the moment this is only a think about it "experimental thinking" and did not become a reality, it is unlikely to become reality.───但是目前这还只是一个想想而已的“思想实验”,并没有变成现实,也不太可能变成现实。

Nothing is official yet, and promises often do not become reality in Indian politics. But the activists feel momentum is now in their favor.───虽然官方还没有发布正式文件,而且在印度政治中承诺常常成为空谈,但活动参与者认为形势对他们非常有利。

However, these initiatives are still being drafted and do not appear likely to become reality immediately.───但是,这些措施仍在草拟阶段,并没有出现,将可能成为现实,立即。

If Mr Osborne's party wins the next election, at the latest next June, then his plan is likely to become reality.───如果奥斯本所在党能够赢得明年六月的下一次大选,到时候“奥斯本计划”很可能付诸实施。

In this world, a child's wildest thoughts would become reality, limited only by the extent of his or her imagination.───在这个世界里,孩子们最离奇古怪的想法都将变成现实,唯一可以局限他们的仅是他或她的想象力的范围。


What a shame it must one day become reality - it will never match these views for charm and elegance.

By 2008 the artists' sketches of a red-roofed, neo-Levantine financial district will have become reality.

Men have been slow to face this prospect; some still hope that it may never become reality.

Optimization design has become reality with the development of applied mathematics and computer technology.

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. Colin Powell 

Hope had betrayed her into thinking dreams could become reality.

For gardeners this is the most exciting time of year, when all your plans are realised and ideas become reality.

Some of these visions, like Zionism and socialism, may occasionally become reality.

But could this fantasy of genetic engineering ever become reality?

  • become a reality
  • become one of
  • become dominant
  • become one
  • becomes a statue
  • become reality
  • become angry




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