skin colours───肤色
skin color───肤色
in colour───彩色的
skin colors───肤色
hair colour───n.头发颜色
in color───着色
lip colour───唇色
oil colour───油性颜料
strong colour───高饱和色
Mr Clemons believes that skin colour is no longer an issue.───克莱蒙斯先生相信肤色不再成为问题。
Even the precise shade of her skin colour may have helped him at the polls.───甚至她肤色的深浅也可能在竞选时帮了奥巴马的大忙.
The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.───晒伤的风险和严重程度取决于人体的自然肤色。
Early symptoms include leg pains, cold and feet and abnormal skin colour.───早期症状包括腿疼, 手脚冷,以及异常的皮肤颜色.
We can make a good guess about ancestry from skin colour, from hair, or from eyes.───通过对肤色 、 头发和眼睛这些表象的观测,我们就能辨别人种.
In 1991 he and his friends defended themselves against some white racist thugs who set upon them for no other reason than their skin colour.───1991年,他和朋友在面对几个仅仅因为肤色就攻击他们的白人种族主义暴徒时奋起自卫。
The number, size and darkness of melanosomes per pigment cell determines skin colour.───每单位色素细胞含有的黑色素数量 、 大小和程度决定了其皮肤的颜色.
The problem is that you cannot deny your ethnic origins or change your skin colour.───问题是你没法放弃你的民族特征,没法改变你的肤色.
The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.───晒伤的风险和严重程度取决于身体的自然肤色。
As with humans, zebra fish skin colour is determined by pigment cells, which contain melanosomes.───人类认为, 斑马鱼皮肤的颜色是黑色色素细胞决定的.
As with humans, zebrafish skin colour is determined by pigment cells, which contain melanosomes.───斑马鱼和人类一样, 它们的肤色也是由含有黑色素的色素细胞决定的.
See how the skin colour gets reflected on the right side of the gauntlet.───看看手臂右侧肤色受到了反射.
Solar lentigines, the other types of freckles, occur among old people regardless of skin colour.───日光性着色斑是一种其它类型的雀斑,发生在老年人中,与肤色无关。
Around that time, his skin colour began subtly to lighten.───大约从那时开始, 他的肤色开始有所变浅.
Product Description: The Avocado , when ripe, has a dull skin colour and creamy yellow flesh.───中文描述: 鳄梨熟时, 暗色果皮, 乳脂状黄色果肉.
The risk and severity of sunburn depend on the body's natural skin colour.
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