

词汇 simple pleasure
释义 simple pleasure
simple pleasure发音




simple measure───简单测量

simple measures───简单的措施

simple procedure───简易程序

duple measure───二重测量

pure pleasure───纯粹的快乐

sheer pleasure───纯粹的快乐;纯粹的兴趣

simple chancre───单纯性下疳

simple fracture───单纯骨折(断骨未刺穿皮肤)

simple poles───一阶极点;[数]单极点


The therapy might also get a boost from the simple pleasure of listening to good music.───这种疗法可能也会受到只是单纯喜爱听美妙音乐的人的欢迎。

Even the simple pleasure of a good bowl of cereal is touched by global policy shifts.───甚至是一碗燕麦片的小小享受都会受到全球政策转移的影响。

It's a simple pleasure, if you've ever had one.───这是个简单的乐趣,如果你曾经有那个经历。

See if simple pleasure work for your . Fight in the snow with your kids, walk beside a stream or climb to a high place and admire the view.───看是否简单的乐趣对你有效。在雪地和孩子打雪仗,小溪旁散步或爬到高处欣赏美景。

Yet this sort of simple pleasure in the job is not open to most people: the majority of jobs are either boring or beastly or both.───然而,大多数人并不能感受到工作中这种简单的快乐:大多数工作不是无聊透顶就是令人憎恶,要么就是两者兼而有之。

A simple pleasure may be close by or just a memory away.───一种简单的快乐可能就在附近,抑或是一个消失了的记忆。

Feel that life is so happy, life is such a simple pleasure.───感觉到生命是如此美满,生活是如此简单的快乐。

"We need to tackle the minority that misuse alcohol rather than making the majority pay more for the simple pleasure of a bottle of wine. "───我们应该对付那些少数的滥用酒精者而不是让大多数人为了饮酒的乐趣而多付钱。

Keeping a journal of course is the ultimate practice that allows me to enjoy this simple pleasure.───当然,每天写日记是让我享受这简单快乐的最终做法。


A simple pleasure may be close by or just a memory away.

My greatest joy these days is the simple pleasure of playing with my three-year-old son, Jack.

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