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词汇 silt up
释义 silt up
silt up发音

(使)淤塞; 淤泥充塞; 淤滞


silts up───淤泥充塞

sit up───熬夜;端坐

silted up───淤泥充塞

built up───组合

shift up───上移;加档,升档

split up───分裂,分离

belt up───安静些;系上安全带

fit up───装配,装合;装备

hit up───请求


And the ownership of shoaly land which silt up naturally should be determined the attaching rule.───自然淤积形成的滩涂所有权归属应该按附合规则确定.

The sand have silt up the mouth of the river.───沙和石头沉到了河底。

The mouth of the river was beginning to silt up-a powerful symbol of over-exploitation.───泥沙已把河口堵住了。

With the arrival of the Arabs (ca. 640), the harbor fell into disrepair and began to silt up.───随着阿拉伯人的到来(公元640年),海港陷入荒废,开始淤泥充塞。

Current research centres around tackling so-called tangles in the brain which are thought to "silt up" the brain's thought processes.───目前阿兹海默症研究的中心都围绕着处理大脑中所谓的“缠结”进行,这个“缠结”被认为“堵塞”了大脑的思维进程。

More often than not, a bilateral deal unblocks one trade route only to silt up its tributaries.───双边排他性贸易协定常常只能堵住商路的支流,而非主流。

Investigation of construction dike to silt up more cropland in Lijialiang Village───李家梁村大搞筑坝造地的调查


The harbour has silted up.

The old harbour silted up years ago.

The harbour has now silted up.

The harbour silted up many years ago.

The sand has silted up the mouth of the river.

Mud is silting up the stream.

Sand has silted up the river delta.

The old harbour has silted up.

Another bypass was cut; it too silted up.





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