n.等同espresso; 浓缩咖啡; 即不加牛奶; 糖或巧克力粉等添加物的清咖啡。short black虽然只是一小杯
ivory black───[涂料]象牙墨
shore lark───云雀
short walk───仅几步之遥;短暂的散步;短步行
short ballot───对少数主要官员(议员)的选举
short splice───短编结
bone black───[涂料]骨黑
He's got short black hair, a long nose.───黑短发, 长鼻子.
Donna: This is Sandra. She's wearing a long red jacket with a short black skirt.───多娜: 这是桑德拉, 她穿的是一件红色长夹克和黑色短裙子, 外加白色外套。
This is Sandra. She's wearing a long red jacket with a short black skirt.───这是桑德拉, 她穿的是一件红色长夹克和黑色短裙子.
Pigs Tiqu short and short, black hair, white lips and individual acromegaly white.───香猪体躯短而矮小, 被毛全黑, 个别有唇白和肢端白.
They are short black snakes.───这些是很短的黑蛇。
She was stick-thin, in tight, black leggings, a short black leather jacket and a beret over her long black hair.───她像棍子一样瘦,穿着很紧的黑色的裤子,一件很短的黑色皮质夹克衫并且在她的黑色长发上,带了顶贝雷帽。
Here I have short black hair. an I am very tall.───在这里.我留着黑色短发. 而且很高.
The common features of the race include short black hair, broad lips andwide nose.───他们通常的特征是又黑又粗的头发, 宽厚的嘴唇,大鼻子.
She has short black hair and a lovely round face.───她拥有黑色的短发和一张可爱的圆脸.
He has short black hairs and double eyes.───他有黑短发和双眼皮眼睛.
She again put her short black pipe to her lips, and renewed her smoking with vigour.───她再次把那杆黑色的短烟筒放进嘴里, 使劲吸了起来.
I am a woman from United Arab Emirates. I have short black hair.───自我描述.您的头发是什么颜色?它是长的或是短的? 您有胡子或胡髭吗?
They have dark blackish brown and grey - brown under parts, large dark and short black hooked bill.───背部羽毛呈深褐色,腹部羽毛则呈灰褐色, 深黑大眼,鸟啄短呈深色.
He has a short black silk coat.───他有一件短的黑色绸缎外衣.
Mid-fifties, short black hair, grey moustache, distinctive Russian accent. Need I go on?───五十四五岁,黑色短发,灰色八字胡,明显的俄国口音,还需要我继续说吗?
She chose a short black lace suit, tight-fitted with a scoop neckline.
Bill yellow tipped red, legs short, black: vermilion orbital ring round eye.
He had short black hair, a scruffy moustache and a pointed nose.
Mid-fifties, short black hair, grey moustache, distinctive Russian accent. Need I go on?
She was wearing a short black dress and dainty black sandals.
She wears a short black skirt and a holster on her belt.
She wore a short black dress and glass earrings.
She tossed her short black hair.
Tasker was in his late thirties, with a flat, friendly face and short, black hair.
- short a brown
- shortened adoption story
- short sighted meaning
- short mothers
- shortcut icon
- short line
- short person
- short black
- short tails
- short termism
- short films
- short term
- shorten gifs
- shortest president
- short coffee
- short notice
- short-staple cotton
- short conversation
- short down
- short c
- short after