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词汇 sheer joy
释义 sheer joy
sheer joy发音



cheer on───鼓励,为某人打气

feel joy───感受快乐

sheep dog───n.牧羊犬;护羊狗


utter joy───全然的喜悦

sheep dogs───n.牧羊犬;护羊狗

sheer luck───纯粹运气

sheer plan───侧面(线)图,侧视图

sheer size───绝对规模;规模庞大


No competitive stuff, just play for the sheer joy of it.───不要有什么竞争,享受单纯为了玩而玩的乐趣。

the sheer joy, etched so openly on the musicians' faces.───乐师们脸上有种表露无遗的纯粹快乐。

We remember the sheer joy of children playing and the love in their eyes.───我们记得孩子玩耍时纯粹的快乐和他们眼中闪烁的爱。

Sheer joy and happiness -Wang Yue is now home. But he has lost weight and that's not going to please his mother.───非常快乐和高兴——王跃现在在家里。但是他的体重下降了,这不会让他的母亲高兴。

If you want to experience the sheer joy of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, you'll take me up on this suggestion.───如果你真正想体会迫使自己放弃舒适状态的乐趣,你一定会采纳我这个建议。

I gaze at the beauty of the world, its wonders and its miracles, and out of sheer joy I laugh even as the day laughs.───我凝视着世界上的美,凝视着它的奇观和奇迹,纯粹出于内心的喜悦,我笑了,甚至像白昼一样的笑了。

The expression of sheer joy on her face made him laugh aloud.───她一脸兴高采烈的样子引得他大笑。

Intrinsic rewards, doingactivities for the sheer joy of it, are the key to understanding flow.───内在报酬,为了完全的乐趣而行动,是理解“心流”的关键。

As I set there filling my pipe, I suddenly heard a shout of sheer joy come from the other side of the wall.───随后,我坐在车上填烟斗时,突然听到墙那边传来一声欣喜若狂的叫喊。


I'll never forget the look of sheer joy on her face.

I felt as if I were on fire with energy and I laughed for the sheer joy of it.

In love meant all the colours, all the sounds, all the sights, sheer joy.

He clasped Joanne in his arms, not for love or lust, just sheer joy at being alive.

The sheer joy of having pockets and flies was something that lasted for weeks.

Granted, the music is not perfect, but the flaws are outweighed by the sheer joy of the piece.

The sheer joy of having me under his power, of being able to spend all and every day staring at me.

And you may shed a tear or two - for the sheer joy of it all.

When they laugh it's with sheer joy.

  • sheer persistence
  • sheer definition
  • sheer beauty
  • sheer cold




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