spark criticism───引发批评
harsh criticism───严厉的批评
draw criticism───招致批评
face criticism───面对批评
form criticism───形式批判法
heavy criticism───严厉的批评
accept criticism───接受批评
answer criticism───回答批评
fierce criticism───激烈的批评
That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups.───那项判决已遭到民权组织的严厉批评。
His behavior called forth sharp criticism.───他的行为招致尖锐的批评。
damage control this week, as the Elysee tried to revive the President's standing abroad after sharp criticism of his expulsion of Romanies.───由于法国总统对吉普赛人的驱逐受到了强烈的批评,爱丽舍宫本星期竭力重振总统的国际声誉,试图将损害控制在一定范围之内。
The U. S. Treasury chose World Bank economist David Dollar as economic emissary to China despite sharp criticism of his economic research.───国财政部选择世界银行经济学家杜大伟(DavidDollar)担任美国对华经济特使,尽管外界对杜大伟的经济研究存在尖锐批评。
It has also triggered sharp criticism of the drugs regulator and calls for a significant increase in funding.───这一问题也引发了对药品监管机构的严厉批评和大幅增加资金投入的呼声。
The U. S. program subsidizing the use of corn for the production of fuel ethanol came under sharp criticism at a Senate hearing Wednesday .───在美国国会参议院星期三举行的听证会上,美国政府补贴用玉米生产燃料乙醇的项目遭到尖锐的批评。
Despite sharp criticism by the African Union, the United Nations and France, the former colonial power, the captain sounds unrepentant.───虽然非洲联盟、联合国以及前几内亚殖民国法国提出了严厉的批评,但卡马拉上尉似乎仍执迷不悟。
In the face of this sharp criticism, Mr. Clinton was careful to attend future meetings on time.───面对尖锐的批语,克林顿不敢迟到了,小心谨慎如约赴会。
In modern times, Jackson has come under sharp criticism for his treatment of Native Americans and support of slavery.───在当代,杰克逊因其野蛮对待北美印第安人和支持施行奴隶制而受到尖锐的批评。
Benedict singled out Irish bishops for sharp criticism over their handling of abuse and pedophilia cases in the past.
We came in for some sharp criticism over this decision.
The government's proposals came in for some sharp criticism.
Vermont Yankee has been subject to some sharp criticism.
He even enjoyed the sharp criticism he provoked from Voltaire.
Thompson came in for sharp criticism from women's groups.
Hart has attracted some sharp criticism, especially from Otago and southern parts of the South Island.
That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups.
That measure drew sharp criticism from Gov.
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