

词汇 shallow water
释义 shallow water
shallow water发音



low water───低水位;萧条;低潮(等于lowtide)

salt water───咸水

salted water───咸水


still water───静水

shallow container───浅的容器

shadow theater───影子剧场

barley water───大麦浸液;大麦汤

fallow deer───(欧洲产的)小鹿


The shallow water equations used were equivalent to those discussed above.───这里采用的浅水方程相当于前面讨论过的方程.

The buoy floated back and forth in the shallow water.───这个浮标在浅水里漂来漂去.

At night - fall it grounded in shallow water at the foot of a wooded hill.───到了傍晚,它搁浅在长满树木的山脚下.

Boats often pile up on the rocks in the shallow water.───船常常在浅水处触礁搁浅。

Children splashed gleefully in the shallow water, trying to catch crabs.───孩子们欢快地跑到浅水滩, 想要抓些螃蟹.

They lie in shallow water to escape the predatory attentions of fish.───它们呆在浅水里以躲避被大鱼盯上而“捕食”.

We lay on a long, flat rock, while the shallow water rippled over us.───我们躺在一块长长的平石上, 浅浅的凉水在我们身上潺潺流过.

Our ship grounded in shallow water / on a sandbank.───我们的船在浅水中[在沙滩上]搁浅.

These are shallow water holes.───这是一些浅水坑.

Blennies are found throughout the world's ocean, usually in shallow water.───粘鱼群在全世界的海洋都能找到, 通常在浅水区.

force of a tsunami only becomes apparent in shallow water.───海啸的巨大威力在浅水中才会显现。

They lie in shallow water to escape the predatory attentions of bigger fish.───它们呆在浅水里以躲避被大鱼盯上而捕食.

The catfish deposits its eggs in shallow water, generally dose to roots or close to reeds.───鲇鱼通常在苇根或苇干附近的浅水里产卵.

autumn, they move to shallow water and get their food.───到了秋天,他们就会迁移到浅水处觅食。

Our ship grounded in shallow water.───我们的船在浅水中搁浅了.

The sequence is characterized by shallow - water proximal storm deposits.───该风暴沉积具有原地或近原地特点.

The ship was grounded in shallow water.───船在水浅处搁浅.


James flailed about in the shallow water.

Our ship grounded in shallow water / on a sandbank.

Alternatively, you can stand the trays in shallow water until the compost surface appears moist.

They were splashing through shallow water, between massive, brooding willow trunks.

She cavorted about in the shallow water.

The shallow water was thick with paddling children.

The ship grounded in shallow water.

Whales become disoriented in shallow water.

Naked children splashed gleefully in the shallow water, trying to catch the occasional sand crab before it scuttled underground.

  • shallow chords
  • shallow waters
  • shallow grave
  • shallow piano




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