

词汇 shale gas
释义 shale gas
shale gas发音



shale gases───页岩气

shale gasses───页岩气

sewage gas───[能源]沼气

shale oils───n.页岩油

coal gas───煤气;煤炭气

noble gas───[化学]惰性气体(等于inertgas)

rare gas───[化学]稀有气体

shake ups───摇匀;重组;震动

shale oil───n.页岩油


But the extraction of shale gas is controversial.───不过,页岩气开采是存有争议的。

Shale gas," he says.───他说:“就是页岩气。”

Shale gas may generate taxes.───页岩气可能征税。

And PetroChina officials are exploring new shale gas and coal - bed methane opportunities over the country.───中石油的官员最近也在全国各地探测新的油页岩和煤层甲烷气矿藏.

Yet the companies recognise that working shale gas is different from conventional production.───不过这些公司认识到,开采页岩气的方式与传统的天然气生产截然不同.


Shale gas, according to the committee, accounts for two-thirds of America's technically recoverable reserves, enough to supply the country for 90 years.

But shale gas is going to defang the energy diplomacy of petro-nations.

Shale gas is also likely to divert investment in Britain from pricier but carbon-free nuclear and renewable-energy sources.

And PetroChina officials are exploring new shale gas and coal-bed methane opportunities over the country.

And China, which also has lots of unexploited shale gas, has few scruples about burning cheap coal.

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