beating up───adj.年久失修的;残破的;v.暴打,痛打;抬(价);惊动;搅拌
gearing up───齿轮增速
tearing up───撕毁;撕碎;拉掉
bearing cap───[机]轴承盖,轴承压盖
bearing hug───粗鲁或紧紧得拥抱;熊抱;接管策略
bearing out───证实;支持
boarding up───用板围住;用栅木板阻断
breaking up───破裂,分手;解体
clearing up───清乡
Okey, what's bearing up opportunity have done in five years on Mars two astronauts could probably have done in a week.───好了,在五年内机器人在火星上所做的两名宇航员在一个星期内就可以完成。
branches in distant pairs, slender, often flexuous, scabrid, lower ca. 7 cm, bearing up to 4 spikelets in upper part.───在远对内分枝,纤细,通常曲折,,低约7厘米,着生在上半部分4小穗的可达。
imported ABS, load-bearing up to 30 pounds and extraordinary use of life.───采用进口ABS,承重可达30斤,超常使用寿命。
She added: ''I'm bearing up. Thank you for everything you're doing. ''───她补充道:“我受得住。谢谢你们做的一切。”
I think he's bearing up extremely well under the circumstances .───我觉得他在这种情况下的承受能力算是相当好了。
He's bearing up well under the strain of losing his job.───他坚强地顶住了失业的压力。
How is Mrs. Smith bearing up after the death of her husband?
How has he been bearing up since the accident?
How is he bearing up after his illness?
He's bearing up well under the strain of losing his job.
He's bearing up well against all his misfortunes.
- bearing down
- bearing plate
- bearing block
- bearing housing