pet insurance───宠物保险
term insurance───定期人寿保险
dental insurance───牙科险
health insurance───健康保险
social insurance───社会保险
fleet insurance───船队保险
storm insurance───风暴保险
term insurances───定期人寿保险
In nearly all cases, the sites did not sell insurance policies online, but rather served as a means for easy comparison and referral.───这些网站不在网上销售保单,而仅仅是提供一种进行比较和参考的便利途径。
She is in the TV commercial that help the insurance company sell insurance. the name of the insurance is Progressive.───她是一个在广电视上告上给一家保险公司来卖保险的。
The Michigan man turned to spamming when he lost his licence to sell insurance and always insisted he ran a legitimate business.───来自密歇根的拉斯基自从丢掉卖保险的执照后,便干起了垃圾邮件的行当,还不断坚称自己干的是合法的事情。
Insurance agencies and brokerages sell insurance policies for the carriers.───保险代理机构和经纪行为保险公司销售保险单。
"Hurricane" could signal a shift to sell insurance stocks. "Drought" could affect wheat prices.───“飓风”可能是卖出保险类股的信号,“干旱”则会影响到小麦的价格。
The joint venture allows HSBC to sell insurance policies to customers in mainland China.───通过这家合资公司,汇丰银行将可以面向中国大陆客户销售保险产品。
Taken on to sell insurance, patent medicines and beauty products, I sold my own animals and bought an old bicycle.
It's easy to sell insurance to a pessimist.
My father wanted me to sell insurance like him.
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