seeing eye dog───n.导盲犬
seeing-eye dogs───n.导盲犬
Seeing Eye dogs───n.导盲犬
seeing-eye dog───n.导盲犬
strong-eye dogs───强眼犬
strong-eye dog───强眼犬
hearing-ear dogs───助听犬
seeing the menu───看到菜单了吗
unerring eye for───无误的眼睛
Seeing Eye dogs generally go to special schools for several years to learn to help blind people.───导盲犬一般在特殊学校若干年学习如何帮助盲人。
Today, I saw the inspiring news that the seeing eye dogs would be allowed to get on the train.───今天,我看到一则鼓舞人心的消息,据说导盲犬就会被允许上火车。
Seeing eye dogs know how to cross the street. They wait for a green light.───导盲犬知道如何穿越街道,他们会等红绿灯后再过。
Many disable people in North America depend on animals to function society, what do you think of seeing-eye dogs?───北美许多残疾人士依靠动物帮助社会,你怎么看待导盲犬?
Therefore, any connection with the master with guide dogs, and even in hell, seeing-eye dogs are always guarded its owner.───所以导盲犬又跟主人在一起了,即使是在地狱,导盲犬也永远守护着它的主人。
We call these dogs Seeing Eye dogs because they are the "eyes" of the blind people and they help them to "see" .───我们称这种狗“导盲狗”就是因为它们是盲人的“眼”,它们帮助他们去“看”。
For example, seeing-eye dogs learn never to cross a busy road when cars are coming, even if their masters command them to do so.───例如盲人引路狗知道在汽车快开过来时决不横跨川流不息的马路,即使主人命令他们这样做,它们也原地不动。
- seeing is believing
- seeing someone