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词汇 screen off
释义 screen off
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screens off───挡开;用幕隔开

screened off───挡开;用幕隔开

screen out───筛选出

seen off───送行,送别

screening off───挡开;用幕隔开

to screen off───屏蔽

screen door───纱门

screen role───屏幕角色

screens out───筛选出


My method involved cleaning the iPad's surface with a microfiber cloth, using an app for a short amount of time, then turning the screen off.───我的方法主要步骤是:屏幕清洁布擦拭干净iPad,在短时间内集中使用一款应用,然后关闭屏幕。

Screen off her bed and make sure she's not disturbed.───把她的床用屏风隔开,一定要使她不受打扰.

He was immensely attractive to women, on-screen and off-screen.───他在银幕内外都令女性倾倒。

When browsing with Fit to screen off, moving the joystick left or right also scrolls horizontally.───当关闭“适合屏幕”选项,导航键左右键依然可以水平滚动网页.

Despite their bitter screen rivalry, off-stage they are close friends.───虽然在银幕上他们是誓不两立的对手,在现实生活中他们却是密友。


When browsing with Fit to screen off,[ off.html] moving the joystick left or right also scrolls horizontally.

Screen off her bed and make sure she's not disturbed.

A bookcase screens off part of the room.

Beds can be screened off to give patients more privacy.

The choir is screened off from the rest of the church.

We can screen off part of the room and use it as a temporary office.

The sequential regression analysis was adopted to screen off the secondary factors, and the Kalman filtering technique was used to estimate innovation coefficients of the model dynamically.

One part of the room was screened off.

The back part of the room had been screened off.

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