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词汇 school system
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honor system───荣誉制度

school buses───校车

school busses───校车


servo system───[自]伺服系统,[自]随动系统

spoils system───政党分肥制;分赃制

whole system───整个体系;整套系统;全系统

Tychonic system───第谷体系

Schmidt system───施密特光学系统;[光]史密特系统


Still, the injection of choice and competition into an unusually rigid school system could transform it.───而且, 将选择和竞争引入异常呆板的教育体系可以改变此种情形.

You may say I'm making the school system a scapegoat.───或许你认为这么说是在推卸责任.

Therefore in the 1950's and 1960's, the baby boom hit an antiquated and inadequate school system.───因此,在五六十年代, 生育高峰冲击着陈旧而不完备的学校体系.

The public school system suddenly found itself overtaxed.───到了1950年,就形成了一股洪流.

problem lay with the family and the school system rather than with television.───问题在于家庭和学校体制而非电视。

Lack of funds has resulted in a catastrophe for our school system.───资金的缺乏给我们学校带来了灾难性的后果.

Computers are gradually overcoming such obstacles as the shortage of courseware and prohibitive school system budgets.───计算机的使用正在逐步克服教学软件短缺,学校建立计算机系统资金有限等一些碍障.

They can get on with running the school system according to their own lights and in their own interests.───他们可以继续按照自己的想法,依据自己的利益来管理学校系统。

The rich can opt out of the public school system.───有钱人可以选择退出公立学校体系。

My mom spent more than 20 years with the Wichita public School System.───我妈在维彻塔公立学校系统执教鞭达20年之久.

The school system is much better now in every way.───学校的体制在各方面都大为改善了.

The school system is collapsing; The stock market collapsed.───学校体制正在崩溃; 股票市场崩溃了.

We need to redesign the school system so that it produces a well-educated population.───我们需要重新设计教育体系,使之培育出拥有良好教育的一代人。

Indeed, competition and choice are already beginning to infiltrate the school system.───实际上, 竞争和选择已经开始渗透到学校的体制中.

We encourage diversification in the school system.───我们鼓励办学模式有多元代的发展.

Profits will be used to buy laptops for each of the school system's 87,000 fourth - graders .───盈利将用来给这些学校87,000名四年 级 学生购买膝上电脑.

What is your rank as high - school teacher? What other ranks exist in your school system?───您的职称是什么 吗 ?你们学校还有其他的职称等级 吗 ?请介绍一下.

And the problem, she says, the school system, not the students.───她说, 问题在于学校系统, 而不在于学生.


She is an outspoken critic of the school system in this city.

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