n.根茎; 初生主根; 根砧木; 根源
Grafting can join scions with desirable qualities to rootstock A graft can be cut several ways.───嫁接技术可以让品种优良的接穗嫁接在抗病防害的根茎上连接器了.
Abstract : [ OBJECTIVE ] In order to study the effects of rootstock on aroma components of sweet cherry.───为研究考特和吉塞拉作为砧木对甜樱桃果实香气成分的影响.
Grafting can join scions with desirable qualities to rootstock that is strong and and insects.───嫁接可以使品质优良的接穗接在生命力强而且抗病虫害的砧木上.
Grafting can join scions with desirable qualities to rootstock that is strong and resistsand insects.───嫁接可以将优良性状的接穗与强壮、抗病虫害的砧木相结合.
South African vine having a massive rootstock covered with deeply fissured bark.───南非藤蔓植物,有很大的根状茎,皮上有很深的裂纹.
Obviously both rootstock and cultivar will have a pronounced bearing on tree size at maturity.───很明显,砧木或栽培品种都能对成龄植株的树形大小发生深刻的影响.
The scion is then securely placed a cut on the rootstock.───然后将其安全地放到根茎的切口处.
European bittercress having a knotted white rootstock.───一种欧洲碎米荠,具有带节的白色根干.
The scion is then securely a cut on the rootstock.───然后幼芽被妥善的接到砧木的切割处.
The scion is then securely placed into a cut on the rootstock.───然后将接穗插入砧木切口紧密贴合.
The stack of the blighted rootstock will soon felt together.───这堆枯死的根茎不久就会粘结在一起.
European dock with broad obtuse leaves and bitter rootstock common as a weed in North America.───有宽钝叶和苦根状茎的欧洲酸模,在北美常作为野草.
The plant that accepts the graft is called the rootstock.───被嫁接的植物体被称为砧木.
The fragrant rootstock of the orris, used in perfumes and cosmetics.───鸢尾根茎鸢尾属植物的芳香的根状茎, 用于香料和化妆品.
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