retained objects───n.保留宾语
found object───自然艺术品;偶然拾得的天然艺术品(等于objettrouvé)
rained out───v.因下雨取消(或延期)
retain heat───保温
specialized subject───专业学科
retained object complement───保留宾语补语
detain a suspect───拘留嫌疑犯
intensional object───内涵客体
retained object complements───保留对象补足
First, some number of copies of the document representations are built from parsers, with each resulting document object retained.───首先,使用解析器构建文档表示的某个数量的副本,并保存每个结果文档对象。
Instead of needing to consider which scopes are required, you simply decide how long the object must be retained.───您不用考虑对象需要使用何种作用域,只是决定对象的保留时间即可。
This allows administrators to more methodically determine which object should be retained and which should be deleted.───这样,管理员即可更系统地确定应该保留和删除的对象。
- retained profit
- retained object