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词汇 responding to
释义 responding to
responding to发音








standing to───遵守,坚持

according to───根据,按照;取决于;据…所说

be going to───将要;打算

be nothing to───conj.不能与…相比;对…无足轻重


It also allows a mouse to do things that a lizard can't, like using experiences to anticipate danger instead of just responding to it.───它还允许老鼠做蜥蜴不能做的事,像使用经验预测危险,而不是仅能对其作出本能反应。

I'm pleased to say that he is now doing well and responding to treatment.───我很高兴地说他现在正在顺利恢复,治疗是有效果的。

welcome, therefore, to describe your idea on this website and it will be routed to those UN organisations responding to the crisis.───因此,欢迎您在本网站描述您的想法,它将会被发送给那些正在应对该危机的联合国组织。

Evergreen manager Liu Xie calls this unfair, and says the company is only responding to its customers.───恒兴的刘谢(音译)经理称这样说是不公平的,并且公司这么做是应客户的要求。

She drew out the last word as if responding to the sight of a luscious cake.───她拉长了声音说出最后一个词,语气就象是看到了美味的蛋糕似的。

Tony Ryall, health minister, said all those affected appeared to have only mild symptoms and had been responding to treatment.───新西兰卫生部长托尼-赖亚尔(TonyRyall)表示,所有的感染者看上去都只有轻微的症状,而且经治疗后已见起色。

Choose a word at random and speak a sentence or two about that key word, as if you were responding to an interview question.───选择一个字随机和说一两个句子,关键字,因为如果你对面试问题。

Please do not ever bother responding to me with any of your hate-filled nonsense -which you are so good at spewing in your lousy English.───拜托你也别用拿充满仇恨的废话来回复我了——你太会用污秽的英语喷人了。

By responding to the climatic conditions of each village group separately, the BMS works as a fine-tuned system.───藉由分别回应每个村庄团的气候状况,BMS工作得如同一个微调系统。


Newspapers are simply responding to the eternal fascination of their readers with the private lives of the rich and famous.

We are sorry for not responding to your letter sooner.

Government ministers have been responding to the challenge thrown down by their former colleague.

Their envoy showed no sign of responding to our proposals.

Responding to the news, Mr Watt appealed for calm.

He was responding to reports of an assassination plot against him.

She chided him for not responding to her Christmas cards.

Supermarkets often claim that they are responding to the wants of consumers by providing packaged foods.

We are responding to the visual cues.

  • responding to advice
  • responding advice
  • responding to




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