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词汇 representative democracy
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representative realism───代表现实主义

representative realisms───代表现实主义



restore democracy───恢复民主

representative government───代议政府

fragile democracy───脆弱的民主

promote democracy───促进民主



There is talk, too, of restoring power and credibility to the legislature, the heart of any representative democracy.───立法机关是各种形式代议制民主的核心,恢复其权利及信誉的呼声也已有之。

The author argues that this definition makes it difficult to determine what precisely constitutes a representative democracy.───作者在此表明,这个定义使得确定何种因素正好构建了代议制民主这一问题变得困难。

The system was given birth in modern western countries and was the product of western representative democracy.───行政问责制起源于近代西方国家,是西方资产阶级代议民主政治制度的产物。

This mixture of direct and representative democracy seems to work well.───直接民主和代议制民主两者混合并存,成效还不错。

But Britain is a representative democracy: those elected to Parliament do not consult their constituents on the decisions they take.───但是,英国是一个代议民主制国家:而那些被选举出来的议会代表并不在一些决策上咨询选民的意见。

Elected legislatures are the principal forum for deliberating, debating, and passing laws in a representative democracy.───经选举产生的立法机构是民主代表制中商议、辩论及批准法律事宜的主要场所。


According to the Protocol of Cartagena de Indias that took effect in 1988, the Organization of American States (OAS) would promote representative democracy under the principle of non-intervention .

Local government is based on the system of representative democracy: councillors are elected to make policy on behalf of the general population.

Committee system is the product of the development of representative democracy.

What constraints are imposed by representative democracy?

But neither has found an authentic expression in the institutions of representative democracy.

The American system of representative democracy has been seriously challenged by this phenomenon, especially because the "soft money" results in enormous political corruption.

Part I examines representative democracy and the end of the old politics.

In both cases therefore a system of representative democracy is adopted.

The Constitution of the Republic of Singapore established the city-state as a representative democracy.

  • representative term years
  • representative heuristic




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