closed position───闭合位置;停止位置
second position───第二阵地
close position───平仓(一种交易行为)
closed positions───平仓(一种交易行为)
exposed position───暴露位置
recovery position───恢复体位(等待进一步救治伤者或病人时采取的安全姿势);复苏体位(等待进一步救治伤者或病人时采取的安全姿势)
seating position───坐落位置
second positions───第二阵地
precarious position───危险状态
Pillow lifts are mains or battery powered and rest on top of the mattress and under the pillow to lift you to a reclined or sitting position in bed.───枕头升降机电源或电池供电和休息的床垫枕头下的顶部和解除您一趄,坐在床上的地位。
I want you to make sure that she's kept in a reclined position, and that a continuous watch is kept on her I. V.───我希望你们能保证她始终处于后仰姿势,并连续观察她的静脉输液管。
particular, this also concerns the length measurement equipment for the horizontal reclined position.───确切的说,测量系统需要满足水平位移以及倾斜位置的测量要求。
- reclined sitting
- reclined position