

词汇 keep notes
释义 keep notes
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keep books───上帐

keep fits───保持(身体)健康

keep nit───%1兆字节

keep step───(与…)齐步前进;(与…)步调一致;跟上



sleeve notes───袖珍笔记


For example, a keen cook could use a blog to organise all her favourite recipes or a teacher could use it to keep ideas for lessons, organise lesson plans and keep notes on students.───如,厨师可以用博客来整理他喜爱的菜谱;教师用博客记录对授课的想法、安排教学计划或记录对学生的评价。

Keep notes when people seem excited about what you are talking about and give you ideas.───当别人对你的想法感到很兴奋并给你意见时,将他们记录下来。

Keep notes of accomplishments.───请将成绩笔记。

Make copies of any written correspondence and keep notes about any phone conversations.───复印任何写出来的通讯费用记录,并且记录下每一次电话通话。

It's a shared private space for the two of you to keep notes [and] set goals.───这种软件为双方提供了共同的私人空间,双方都可以在这里做笔记、设定目标。

Encourage children to place receipts from all purchases in the envelopes and keep notes on what they do with their money.───鼓励孩子们把所有购物小票放进信封中并记录下他们用那些钱做了什么。

Yesterday is like similar boring have a class, keep notes, go by car to go home at ordinary times.───昨天就像平时一样无聊,上课、记笔记、坐车回家。没有什么特别的。


The Regulations recognise that a teacher may keep notes on a pupil simply for his or her own use.

Keep notes on your meal plan and exercise.

  • keep your eyes open for
  • keep notes
  • keeping away
  • keep we dream
  • keep a lion
  • keep grade
  • keep safety
  • keep hold of
  • keep the times
  • keep reading
  • keep to the right
  • keep dark
  • keep perfect
  • keep a secret
  • keep pushing
  • keep in line
  • keeping green
  • keeping healthy
  • keeping scor
  • keep on searching
  • keep a smile




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