

词汇 reason of
释义 reason of
reason of发音



by reason of───由于;因为






read out of───驱逐,开除,被正式文告从社会、政治或其它集团中驱逐

reason with───规劝;与…评理

reason enough───足够的理由


For the silly reason of wanting to study, I have lost a paw.───为了学习这个愚蠢的原因,我失去了一只爪子。

The only reason of the attack—he's a mongrel.───那次袭击的唯一原因是——他是个杂种。

She didn't do it for any reason of self.───她那样做决不是出于私心。

As a main participant of these parties and with the reason of his special experience in Yangzhou, he himself also gave us some works.───由于在扬州的特殊经历,特别是作为这些活动的重要参与者,卢见曾本人也创作了较多的作品。

Jin-Hua Shi has started his art movement of measurement and record when he was 17 and further made it a reason of his living and art career.───石晋华17岁开始测量与记录的动作,到今天这已经是种生活下去的理由与志业。

Analyzing those reasons, we find that the reason concerns hardware and software, but it isn t easy to judge the reason of software.───分析其原因,不外乎硬件和软件两方面的原因,而软件方面相对而言是不好判断的。

And where I knew, by reason of the currents, the savages durst not, at least would not COME with their boats, upon any account whatsoever.───那儿有一股急流,我知道那些野人无论如何也不敢或不愿坐小船进来的。

And the major concern about this novel is the reason of degeneration of mankind and the ultimate form of antagonism between classes.───主要着重于探讨其揭示出来的阶级对抗的极端形式和人类退化原因的意义。

In the event of any such delay, the date of delivery shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay.───结果,任何如此的延迟,递送的日期将对时间被延长在时期之中对手在延迟情形之下遗失。


He escaped a prison sentence by reason of unsound mind at the time the crime was committed.

He had good reason, of course.

I'll lend you the money you need?within reason, of course!

He was found not guilty, by reason of insanity.

She didn't do it for any reason of self.

He's always asked to these occasions by reason of his position.

He was excused by reason of his age.

Prejudice is the reason of fools. 

The boss retains enormous influence by reason of his position.

  • reasonableness standard
  • reasonableness far
  • reasoned about
  • reasoning ability
  • reasonable tuition fees
  • reasonableness cfr
  • reasons for
  • reasonable explanation
  • reasoning and learning
  • reasonable expectation
  • reasoning test
  • reasoned with
  • reason prettiest
  • reason why
  • reasonableness math
  • reasoned out
  • reasons for leaving a job
  • reason of
  • reasonable prices




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