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词汇 rat poison
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rat poisons───杀鼠剂,老鼠药;[毒物]鼠毒

to poison───下毒

Durban poison───(DurbanPoison)《港口之毒》(电影名);德班毒药

State prison───[法]州监狱

Durban poisons───(DurbanPoison)《港口之毒》(电影名);德班毒药






Laboratory tests have shown the animals were killed with a rat poison banned in Brazil.───实验室检测表明,这些动物是被巴西明令禁止的一种灭鼠药所毒杀.

Turns out that funny smell was rat poison.───原来那奇怪的气味是老鼠药。

Tetramine is due to bad management of rat poison, lack spread of killing rate knowledge. The corresponding management must be imposed to put an end to this kind of crime.───毒鼠强”泛滥的原因是鼠药管理混乱、灭鼠知识普及不够,必须加强相应的管理,杜绝此类案件的发生。

Isn't the nonradioactive form of thallium used for rat poison?.───铊的非放射性形态不是用于制造老鼠药吗?

Like when she bought the rat poison, the arsenic.───比如说,她那次买老鼠药 、 砒霜的情况.

Cockroaches can eat anything organic; even baits laced with rat poison are their risk - free food.───它们几乎可以吃任何有机的东西, 连拌了老鼠药的毒饵都可以成为它们的安全食品.

I was shocked, Satuijiupao, Bian Paobian come up with rat poison Sandy swallow!───俺大吃一惊, 撒腿就跑,边跑边拿出老鼠药大口吞下!

Have to use a rat trap, rat poison death to rule us?───非得要用老鼠夹子 、 老鼠药来治死我们 吗 ?

We have set many traps and placed a lot of rat poison, but no rat has been caught or killed by poison.───我们安放了许多老鼠夹并下了一些鼠药,但没有捕到和药死老鼠。

I want some rat poison.───我想要些老鼠药.

Isn't the nonradioactive form of that used for rat poison?───铊的非放射性形态不是用于制造老鼠药 吗 ?

There are so many rats in grassland, why do not use rat poison to control rats?───草原上的老鼠那么多, 为什么不用老鼠药来治理鼠害?

The rat poison comes in small pellets.───灭鼠药是做成丸状的.


A woman was poisoned with a soft drink laced with rat poison.

Bottles of lemonade doctored with rat poison were discovered in the kitchen.

The rat poison and insecticide was taken from a van at Farm lane in Crawley near Witney.

The farmer had put down some rat poison.

The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.

He said he only wanted to kill himself and claimed he ate rat poison and planned to inhale car exhaust fumes.

At the camp, the doctor gave me a choice: rat poison or the stick.

The dog was killed by rat poison .

She gave him rat poison and then she took him out back and she had Howard bury him in her garden.

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