

词汇 put on the line
释义 put on the line
put on the line发音



put it on the line───坦率地说;付钱

lay on the line───放在绳子上

put on the Ritz───穿上里兹酒店

put on the pan───n.责备,严厉批评

put on the gloves───戴上手套

put on the agony───忍受痛苦

put on the block───放在积木上

bit on the side───在侧面咬一口

die on the vine───中途夭折;未能实现


They are here to put it on the line.───他们来这儿就是赌的,就是把自己押上去。

She put her washing on the line.───她把洗好的衣服晾在绳子上。

Their lives, as well as their sacred honor, had been put on the line.───他们的生活,以及他们的神圣的荣誉,已被提上了线。

Be not afraid, you tick per second as long as you put on the line.───不用害怕,你只要每秒滴答摆一下就行了。

if it is once again struggling sports fishermen once again put on the line, and so it is tired, and then pull .───如果它再一次挣扎,钓者就再一次放线,等它累了再拉线。

Who put on the line, who even begging in the cleverest, most dresses fastest clever.───谁穿上线,谁就算乞得巧了,穿得最快者最巧。


Their lives, as well as their sacred honor, had been put on the line.

If no taxpayer money was put on the line, how could the LTCM rescue set a precedent that "loans to unsound financial institutions would be made good by the Fed"?

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  • put round
  • put put
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  • put our fire
  • put faith in
  • put two
  • put at
  • put on a car




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