A suit dyed red
Silk degumming is a key process for silk dyeing and finishing.───真丝绸脱胶是真丝绸染整加工的一道重要工序.
A solution called a modent mordant is used in the dyeing process.───在染色过程中会用到叫做媒染剂的方法.
She has been dyeing her hair black for years.───几年来她一直把头发染成黑色.
Spent chemicals from dyeing represent one of the significant sources of textile pollution.───染色所耗用的化学药剂是纺织工业最大的污染源之一.
Notable among these are wastes from dyeing operations in the textile industing.───在这些废水之中值得注意的是来自纺织工业的印染作业.
Set fiber processing, weaving, dyeing and finishing in one.───集纤维加工 、 织造 、 染整于一体.
You think the assailant surprised her while she was dyeing her hair?───你觉得凶手是在她染发时突然对她袭击的?
And if I have a fancy for dyeing my hair, or going to bed late or getting up early, I shall follow my fancy and ask no man's permission.───如果我想染头发,想晚睡或早起,我就随自己的心意去做,不征求任何人的同意。
described has accurate structure and distinctive nuance of dyeing.───描绘的物象结构透视准确,染色层次清晰。
And she started dyeing her stockings and blouses there too.───同时在宿舍里边,她开始用颜料染着袜子和上衣.
- 染成红色的套装用英语怎么说