

词汇 put in mind
释义 put in mind
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put it mildly───说得委婉些;说得好听一点

bear in mind───vi.记住;考虑到

have in mind───考虑;想到

keep in mind───记住

human mind───人心

put in for───申请

put it on───夸张;要高价;装腔作势

put on airs───摆架子;装腔作势

tin mine───锡矿山


We are put in mind of how men are to the Gods as flies to men.───我们可以想到在上帝面前的人类和人类面前的飞虫。

Always beginning with a positive attitude, I sit down and tell myself that I can accomplish my goal if I put in mind to it.───我常常怀着乐观的心情坐下,告诉自己只要用心,一定能完成目标。

I also always put in mind the words of the parents is that they care with the sincere and unselfish love I grow up healthily.───我也时时刻刻把父母的话记在心里,是他们用真诚无私的爱呵护我健康成长。

One was put in mind of a brilliant, slightly stifling summer day whose beauty is the harbinger of a distant thunderstorm.───这种情况令人感觉是一个阳光灿烂而又有点气闷的夏天,明媚的风光是一场遥远的雷阵雨的前兆。

We should put in mind that each culture has its own characteristics, so does our planning .───我们应该付诸表决,在考虑到每一种文化都有其自身的特点,那么我们的规划。

Main features of rainstorms and floods occurred in China and some key points to be put in mind for flood control works───我国暴雨和洪水的主要特征及其在防洪工作中应注意的问题

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  • put about
  • put round
  • put put
  • putty download
  • put our fire
  • put faith in
  • put two
  • put at
  • put on a car




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