

词汇 put in for
释义 put in for
put in for发音

申请; 推荐


let in for───使陷入(困境);损害

put up for───提出

put down for───认为;把…视作

puts up for───忍受

went in for───爱好;参与

be in for───必定遭到;参加

get on for───v.接近,靠近

go in for───参加,从事;追求;赞成

put it on───夸张;要高价;装腔作势


He put in for a transfer to another position.───他申请调职.

We had to put in for the food reimbursements again.───我们不得不再次申请食物赔偿.

With your permission, I should like to put in for a transfer.───如果您允许, 我想申请转学.

They have put in for membership of the club.───他们已申请加入该俱乐部.

May I put in for five days'leave?───我可以请五天假 吗 ?

They asked if I had put in for the job [ post ].───他们问我是否申请了这个工作 [ 职位 ].

I decided to put in for a job as deputy secretary.───我决定申请副书记一职。

Are you going to put in for that job?───你想申请那份工作吗?

Harder was put in for MEDALS, including a Purple Heart and a Silver Star.───哈尔德被授以许多勋章,其中包括紫心勋章和银星勋章。

Another problem is that first-to-file may make companies rush to put in for a patent before their invention is truly ready.───另一个问题是专利的申请可能促使一些公司在一些发明尚未成型时就急于将其注册。

A claim has been put in for higher wages.───已经提出了增加工资的要求.

He put in for me, with a zeal that was quite apostolic.───他还替我祷告了呢, 虔诚得就跟个圣徒一样.

They've put in for more money for the building of the new highway.───他们已为这条新公路的建设申请要更多的钱了.

All the machinists have put in for a rise.───全体机械师都提出了增加工资的申请.

Are you going to put in for that job?───你打算申请那份工作 吗 ?

Olaf is going to put in for a job with a business firm.───奥莱夫打算申请到一家商行里工作.

He has put in for membership of the club.───他已申请加入这家俱乐部.

He put in for the position of manager.───他申请经理的职位.

  • put done
  • put my love
  • put the tap
  • put it best
  • put up signs
  • put on
  • put on too much weight
  • put you on
  • put a cast
  • put them
  • put on shoes
  • putrefactive anaerobes
  • put about
  • put round
  • put put
  • putty download
  • put our fire
  • put faith in
  • put two
  • put at
  • put on a car




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