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词汇 pushed off
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pushes off───推迟;离开

brushed off───刷去;丢弃;脱落

dashed off───v.匆忙完成

dusted off───抹去灰尘

passed off───停止;完成;忽视

pissed off───生气,不高兴;愤怒

pulled off───赢得;脱下;努力实现

push off───推迟;离开

pushed on───推进;推动;努力向前


Write down anything that cannot be pushed off to the following day.───写下那些不能推脱到第二天去做的事情。

Most analysts have also pushed off their expectation of when the central bank might raise interest rates until 2011.───多数分析师也提高了他们的预期,央行直到2011年不可能会提高利率。

People have been pushed off land in countries like Ethiopia, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia and Zambia.───在很多国家人们已经被迫离开土地,比如埃塞俄比亚,乌干达,刚果,利比里亚和赞比亚。

Her hat had been pushed off, an the snow shining on her dark hair. He now felt a strange gentleness for her.───她的帽子已经被推掉,白雪辉映着她的黑发,现在他对她产生了一种莫名其妙的温柔感。

Chelsea pushed off the boat with her hands; Paul got hit on the head.───切尔西是用双手推开船的,保罗被撞着的是头。

If you don't want your mount to be affected, you can be pushed off your mount if the forced movement carries you out of the mount's space.───如果你不想座骑受影响,而你又被强迫移动迫离座骑的空间,你们会被迫分离。

'Sadly, last week they actually did break up, ' said Graham. 'It had nothing to do with getting pushed off the rope swing. '───上周他们分手了,我们都觉得很难过,不过这跟克雷顿推杰西卡下悬崖玩秋千那件事儿没关系。

He pushed off his boots and went upstairs with the child in his arms.───他踢掉靴子,抱着孩子走上楼去。

Before I was conscious of what had happened, the brother released my hand and I was pushed off the slope.───还未等我明白过来发生了什么事,小哥哥猛地松开了我的手,把我推下了路旁的斜坡。


For one reason or another,he was pushed off the ticket and his brother was put on.

He pushed off from the side of the pool and swam slowly to the other side.

The sooner Morgan boarded the chopper and pushed off the better.

He pushed off from one wall, ran two steps, did a belly-flop and sloshed across the floor.

Mellanby, pushed off balance by Stumpel, attempted to sweep the puck toward the net.

Two months later we pushed off to Paris and, except for one little episode, the journey went well.

Dad pushed off and jumped into the rowboat.

Although personally modest, Astaire pushed off from a world of high society.

We pushed off with a flourish, leaving the boy and Marina's driver at the edge.

  • pushed into
  • pushed toward
  • pushed aside
  • pushed around
  • pushed definition




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