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词汇 public land
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公地,公有地; 闲田; 闲地


public fund───公共资金

public law───公法;国际公法

public laws───公法;国际公法

public demand───公共需求

public bar───(酒店、旅馆供应便宜饮料的)公众酒吧;(酒馆中的)酒吧

public bars───(酒店、旅馆供应便宜饮料的)公众酒吧;(酒馆中的)酒吧

public gaze───公众注视


Public Land Mobile Network . Another name for a GSM phone network.───陆上公用移动通信网,gsm电话网络的别名.

The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people could no longer use it.───公用地的围场表示普通人不能再使用它.

In Kleppe, state game officers entered public land to remove wild horses.───在“克莱珀”一案中, 州狩猎官员进人到公共土地去驱除野马群.

Nevertheless, we will attempt to give a basic outline of public land law.───但是, 我们将对公共土地法律的基本轮廓加以介绍.

The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people couldn't use it.───公共土地的圈围意味着普通人将不能使用它.

The Civilian Conservation Corps, a New Deal work project for youths, built ski runs and jumps on public land as well as recreational facilities in the national parks.───民间资源保护团(罗斯福新政中一个为未婚失业男青年提供工作的项目)在公共场地建了滑雪道和跳高滑雪设施,还在国家公园里建了休闲娱乐设施。

The enclosure of public land mean that ordinary people can not use it.───公共土地的圈围意味著普通人将不能使用它.

Graduates find ready employment where water is scarce and public land usage is high.───毕业生寻找就业准备在水稀缺和公共土地使用率很高。

Public Land' policy, which was implemented by the American government to its Western regions, was perfected after the change from the confederation to the federation.───美国政府对西部土地实行的是“公共土地”政策,在经历了从邦联到联邦政府的转变之后,内容日趋完善。


Public Land Mobile Network . Another name for a GSM phone network.

The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people couldn't use it.

Nor is conservation land the only public land eligible for restitution.

An early example of privatization was the enclosure of public land for private use by wealthy landlords.

Another ongoing struggle waged by the quebradeiras is regaining free access to groves of babassu palm trees on private land, and preserving access to trees on public land.

Aristotle noted a distinction between income from the public land and that from the citizens' private estates.

They have promised that the development will not encroach on public land.

Conservationists cried foul when public land was put up for sale by the federal government.

The environmental group is seeking an injunction to stop the sale of public land.

  • public administration
  • public square
  • public office
  • publicity pamphlet
  • public land
  • public figure
  • public nuisance
  • public lands
  • public address system
  • public class
  • public policy officials
  • public relation
  • public welfare
  • public house
  • public body touch
  • public relations
  • public holiday
  • publicity listings




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