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词汇 public goods
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public good───公益事业

public mood───公众情绪

public rooms───公用舱室

public body───公共团体;民意机关

public room───公用舱室

public works───公共工程;市政工程

public schools───(美国和苏格兰的初等或中等的)公立中小学;寄宿学校

public houses───酒吧;小旅馆

public moneys───[金融]公款


Just as with public goods, it is difficult to prevent people from using the Commons.───就像公共物品的情况那样,要想防止人们使用共同资源是很困难的。

As we saw earlier, the market mechanism breaks down when public goods or externalities are present.───正如前文所述,当出现公共商品或外在化商品时, 市场机制就会失去效用.

These individuals'desire for wilderness preservation converts wilderness areas into public goods.───这些保护荒野的人们的愿望是把荒野区域转变成公有物.

Non - Profit organization ( NPO ) is an indispensable part of organizations which provide public goods.───提供公共物品的 非 营利组织是市场经济中不可或缺的组织之一.

Some news media are public goods , while more are private goods.───新闻媒介大多数是私人物品.

Just as with public goods, it is difficult to prevent people from using the commons.───就像公共物品的情况那样, 要想防止人们使用共同资源是很困难的.

The problem of environmental pollution roots in the characteristic of public goods and negative externality.───环境污染问题根源于公共物品性和负外部性.

Non - excludability is a characteristic of public goods.───非 排他性是公共货物的特征.

Reverse logistics has positive externality on account of its feature of quasi - public goods.───逆向物流具有准公共物品的特征,由此决定了它还具有正外部效应和负外部效应.

Order is unique public goods and owns special structure and functions.───秩序是一种特殊的公共品,具有特定的结构和功能.

Nanshan District , Haiya Department Store is also true that range products, more public goods.───南山区的海雅百货也不错,中档货 、 大众货比较多.

Competitive markets do not provide public goods well.───竞争市场不会很好地提供公共物品。

In the realistic life, public goods and collective goods is indispensable.───在现实生活中, 公共物品和集体物品是不可缺少的.

Support the provision of public goods.───支持提供公共物品。

What are public goods and what role ( if any ) do they play in public health?───什麽是公益,他们在公共卫生演奏的 ( 如果有的话 )?

The quasi - public goods of a city play a very important role in urban economy.───城市准公共物品在城市经济发展中起着十分重要的作用.


Public goods are indivisible, involving such large units that they can not be sold to individual buyers.

How might the output of public goods be increased if the economy is initially functioning at a point inside of the curve?

The nature of public goods explains why defence and law and order were the first areas where government provision became dominant.

Article 2 The entry and exit of public goods applied for by a resident office shall be restricted within the reasonable amount for self-use.

A few public goods are financed essentially on the basis of the benefits principle.

Similarly with public goods: there may be many potential suppliers of television broadcasts, but funding them presents a problem.

In this respect, local public goods represent an intermediate case where exit is indeed possible via migration.

These public goods can only be produced and consumed economically on a collective basis.

Government need tax revenue to pay for public goods and to make transfer payments to the poor.

  • public administration
  • public square
  • public office
  • publicity pamphlet
  • public land
  • public figure
  • public nuisance
  • public lands
  • public address system
  • public class
  • public policy officials
  • public relation
  • public welfare
  • public house
  • public body touch
  • public relations
  • public holiday
  • publicity listings




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