

词汇 proving to
释义 proving to
proving to发音


相似词语短语 ;ing to───使恢复知觉;停船

coming to───v.想起;共计

going to───将要

heaving to───停船;逆风停船;顶风漂泊

looking to───v.注意;指望;照看

owing to───由于,因为…


rising to───上升到;升迁

providing for───供养,供给;规定;为…作准备


transition from a dictatorship to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult.───从专政国家到多党民主国家的转型证明是很艰难的。

These new proposals are proving to be hot stuff.───这些新的建议结果证明是有争议性的。

Communication in every sense is proving to be the essential issue in Haiti.───通讯问题无疑是阻碍海地救援的根本问题。

So he took the job, as a way of proving to Hollywood that he could make a box-office winner.───所以他接了这份工作,以向好莱坞证明他可以拍出个票房赢家。

So far, 2011 is proving to be the year of the unexpected, a year in which plans are already being torn up.───迄今为止,事实已经证明,2011年将是无法预期的一年,计划都已被撕得粉碎。

For a classic mug with a modern twist the Tulip and Oxford are proving to be very popular in the first few weeks of being offered.───一个具有郁金香和牛津风味的经典的现代杯在上市的头几个星期很受欢迎,这已经被证实。

"The basic economic efficiencies of bus travel are proving to be extremely attractive in this difficult economic climate, " he said.───他说:“事实证明,在经济困难时期,乘公共汽车出行的基本经济效率还是具有很大吸引力的。”

In his own back garden, London clay is proving to be resistant to any such hurry.───而在他自家后面的花园里,坚硬的伦敦粘土却让人急切不得。

In addition, the oxyhydrogen system is designed to allow for self-installation, proving to be as easy to install as your car stereo.───另外,氢氧系统的设计使您能够自行安装,就像安装汽车音响一样容易。


What a sod this job is proving to be!

The transition to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult.

Unemployment was proving to be an intractable problem.

The debate on Europe is proving to be something of a liability for the Prime Minister.

This discussion was proving to be a disaster.

These new proposals are proving to be hot stuff.

That kind of bare-knuckled competition is proving to be a boon to travelers on the World Wide Web.

And the drive-throughs are proving to be lucrative ventures.

Inkjet technology is also proving to be very versatile.

  • proving to




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