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词汇 protestant church
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Protestant ethic───新教伦理;新教价值观

protest march───示威游行队伍;示威游行;抗议游行

servant church───仆人教会

Protestant Episcopal Church───主教派教会;圣公会

Armenian Church───亚美尼亚教堂(一座维多利亚式白色建筑)

attend church───上教堂做礼拜

broad church───广教派(BroadChurch)


I am not completely at home in any Protestant Church.───我在任何一个新教教会都不是特别自在。

The opposition she joined was tiny, mostly confined to a few parishes in the Protestant church, heavily infiltrated by the Stasi and weakened by the systematic exile of its leaders to the West.───她所在的反对派势力微薄,成员基本来自于新教教会的几个教区,被史塔西严重渗透,其领袖有系统地被流放到西方,更加削弱了他们的实力。

help out at Diakonie, a vast charity linked to the Protestant church (of which the Mariendorf meal service is a part).───Diakonie,有1.2万人在帮忙做事情,是与新教教堂联系起来的庞大的慈善力量(送餐服务只是其中的一项)。

Only a small corner of this ancient water town in Zhejiang province remains untouched by this festive fervor - the local Protestant church.───在浙江省这个古老的水城,仅有一个小小的角落还没有被这种节日的氛围所感染--当地新教教堂。

To that end, an entire industry has sprung up, dedicated to providing couples with a ceremony modeled after Protestant church ceremonies.───为达到这一目的,一整个行业已经涌现出,致力于提供夫妇仪式仿照后,新教教会仪式。

But the German Protestant Church criticized the idea as "tasteless" and the Roman Catholic Church was not amused.───不过,一家德国新教教会谴责称,这种想法“格调太低”,而且罗马天主教教堂对此也颇有微词。

In the black Protestant Church I entered a new world: prim, brown, puritanical girls who taught in the public schools.───我走进黑人新教堂,就犹如进入了一个新的世界;这里有在公立学校教书的、拘谨的、棕肤色的清教徒式的女子。

But it so happened he was speaking in a Protestant Church.───当他在清教徒的教堂里说话的时候。

The official Protestant Church is growing faster than Catholicism.───在中国,清教的发展势头比天主教更为迅猛。


Calvinism---Strict theological doctrine of the French Protestant church reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and the basis of Puritan society.

The Chinese Protestant Church seized the historical opportunity and made a correct choice.

The official Protestant Church is growing faster than Catholicism.

Catholic and protestant church organization straddles the border.

I am not completely at home in any Protestant Church.

The Protestant church, in particular, seems to have produced a tribe of flashy, mansion-dwelling pastors.

But the German Protestant Church criticized the idea as "tasteless" and the Roman Catholic Church was not amused.

The conference, held in a Protestant church, found Daley and his group on the defensive.

I go to a Protestant church, but the one next door is Catholic.

  • protestant church
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