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词汇 power grid
释义 power grid
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电力网; 电网



power grids───电网(powergrid的复数)

power grab───夺权

power trio───电源三重奏

power brand───实力品牌

power drill───机械钻;动力钻机

power grabs───夺权

power train───传动系;动力传动系;动力传动机构

power trios───三重奏

power game───权力游戏;权力竞争


In Boulder , Colo a surge of electricity on the power grid can largely go unnoticed.───在科罗拉多州波尔得市,大部分电网的电力波动都不被人们察觉.

The proposed method has been applied AGC system of Fujian power grid.───该方法已应用于福建电网自动电压控制系统中.

Large wind farms connected to power grid bring new challenges to optimal operation of power systems.───大型风电场的并网对电力系统的优化运行提出了新的挑战.

Harmonic frequencies in the power grid are a frequent cause of power quality problems.───谐波频率在电网中是造成电能质量问题的常见原因.

Poseida was also the headquarters and nucleus of the crystalline power grid and interdimensional tunnel system.───波塞迪亚也是水晶能量网和内部空间(地下)隧道系统的总部和核心.

As the development of power grid construction, stringing over live lines is imperative.───电网建设的发展, 实现不停电跨越架线势在必行.

The paper introduces the design of power grid interlink and EMS system between offshore platforms.───本文介绍了南海某油田群海上石油平台电力组网及其EMS系统的设计.

That cold is putting fruit and vegetable crops an extra strain on the state's power grid.───寒冷的天气不仅让蔬菜水果和农作物严重受灾,还让该州的电力供应持续告急.

National power grid , vice president of Beijing Economic and Technology Research Institute, Hu Zhaoguang coMMented.───国家电网北京经济技术研究院副院长胡兆光评价说.

One solution is to rebuild the aging power grid to be less vulnerable to solar disruptions.───一个解决办法就是改造老化的电网,令其不那么容易受到太阳的破坏。

Converting solar energy beamed from space into electricity in a power grid, however, has not yet been demonstrated.───可是,能否把从太空上发射来的太阳能转变成可以进入输电网中的电能,则还没有实例。

High ability in resisting public power grid voltage wave ang power grid compensation, stable welding current.───抗电网电压波动及电网补偿能力强, 焊接电流稳定.

Reliability level of HVDC power transmission systems becomes an important factor impacting entire power grid.───直流输电系统的可靠性水平已成为影响整个电力系统可靠性的重要因素.

To analysis frequency stabilityfrequency control strategies of Xinjiang power grid.───在含风电电网中进行风电穿透功率研究.

Connection mode of wind farm and power grid is another important issue.───风电场联网的方式也是一个重要问题.

Some technical problems of distribution line project design for retrofit of urban power grid are introduced.───介绍江西城网改造配电线路工程设计上存在的一些技术问题.

As a solution, the security and stability control system for Guangdong power grid has been constructed.───为此, 采取了在广东电网配置安全稳定控制系统的防范措施.

Hit by heavy storm, the power grid can not function properly.───受到暴风雪的影响, 电力网不能正常运作了.

The security evaluation of transmission grid is an important and frequent work for power grid business.───输电网安全性评价是电网企业安全管理的一项重要的经常性的工作.

The application of the shock load model in the complex power grid is also discussed.───最后讨论建立的冲击负荷模型在复杂电网中的应用.

It powers a wastewater treatment plant, with surplus energy going to the area power grid.───它的权力污水处理厂, 剩余的能源将该地区电网.

Super power grid compensation capacity, resist the voltage wave of power grid.───超强的电网补偿能力, 抗电网电压波动.

Finally, the influence of harmonic resonance on the harmonic distribution of the power grid is studied.───最后, 本文研究了谐振对电网谐波分布的影响.

In charge of the topics on wind power grid integration study.───负责风电接入电网分析方面的课题.

grid has basically been the same for the better part of a century, says Ian Bowles, Massachusetts' secretary of energy and environmental affairs. That is, until the smart grid.───直到智能电网的出现,这大半个世纪来,整个电网基本上没有更改,马萨诸塞州能源与环境事务秘书长称。

The standards are tried firstly in EastChina Power Grid and FuJian province in 2001.───我国华东和福建电网于2001年开始试用CPS标准作为评价办法.


Analysis of Northwest China Power Grid shows that the presented indices are valid in practice.

Wide work voltage range,( grid.html) strong ability in adapting power grid.

Hit by heavy storm, the power grid can not function properly.

The power grid has basically been the same for the better part of a century, says Ian Bowles, Massachusetts' secretary of energy and environmental affairs. That is, until the smart grid.

With the expansion of power grid and the increase of the transmission voltage grade, the status of relay protection in power system is becoming more and more important.

This research includes two parts:electrical source planning and power grid expanding planning. Reasonable grid is important to insure power system in safety and stabilization.

Demand - side management DSM can improve power grid load property.

Roads, subways, power grids, and dams were constructed; cities were refurbished.

The electrical power grid is particularly vulnerable to these extra currents, which can infiltrate high-voltage transmission lines, causing transformers to overheat and possibly burn out.

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  • power exo
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  • power plant
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  • powered by motorsport
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