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词汇 powerful force
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powerful effect───强大的效果

powerful drug───剧药;强效药;特效药

powerful image───强大的形象

powerful tool───有力的工具;强大的工具

powerful engine───强劲的发动机

powerful influence───强大的影响力

powerful computer───功能强大的计算机

cheerful voice───欢快的声音

potent force───强大的力量


It's such a powerful force.───那是一种强大的力量。

The expansion of higher education should be a powerful force for change.───高等教育的发展对变革应该是一个强大的推动力。

's a little bit of spark, there's a little bit of a powerful force, and there's just a lot of hard work to get from here to there.───已经产生了一些火花,一些外在动力,只不过达成目标还需要大量的艰苦工作。

The constant possibility that his next day could be his last has been a powerful force in Hsieh's life.───经常不变的工作可能就是他明天最后的生命终结。在谢的生命之中,延续着一个强劲有力的魄力。

Although it does shield people from other forces, culture itself seems to be a powerful force of natural selection.───尽管确实为人类阻挡了其他力量,文化本身貌似是一个强大的自然选择力量。

We shall be standing with you urging you ever onwards, and our Light will go with you to produce a powerful force for the good of all.───我们会和你们站在一起督促你们,我们的光会和你们一起建立一种强大的力量,为了所有的美好的事物。

Inspired by the story is: there will be an impasse is often a powerful force for self-help.───故事的启发是:在绝境中往往会激发自救的强大力量。

Some powerful force inside me made me test my mind. I wanted to learn if it was as good as that of others.───我内心深处有一股强大的力量促使我检验一下我的脑子够不够用。我想看一看自己能否学得和别人一样好。

Once upon a time, when the yen was the most powerful force in the world, the city overflowed with immigrants, like a gold rush boom town.───有一段时间,当日元是世界上最强的货币时,城市里充满了移民。


As an ally, Nails was a powerful force.

Nationalism is an immensely powerful force.

Party loyalty used to be a powerful force in determining legislative action.

Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.

Television is a powerful force to bring people together to entertain, to educate, to open our minds and hearts.

Drama can be a powerful force for motivating and enhancing work in every curriculum area.

Ferruzzi Finanziaria had become a powerful force in chemicals as well as agribusiness through the acquisition of Montedison in 1987.

But I think there's a more powerful force in this universe than the Prime Mover.

He was a powerful force in British politics during the war years.

  • powerfully built
  • powerful mental blocks
  • powerful prayers for protection
  • powerful effect




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