

词汇 posterior probability
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posterior probabilities───后验概率

prior probability───先验概率,事前机率

prior probabilities───先验概率

conditional probability───条件概率;条件几率

subjective probability───[统计]主观概率;主观频率

empirical probability───实验概率;[数]经验概率

high probability───高可能性

relative probability───[数]相对概率

mathematical probability───数学概率


segmentation problem is formulated as Maximum a Posterior Probability (MAP) estimation rule.───分割问题可以被转换成一种最大后验概率估计问题。

In the process, we calculate the posterior probability of semantics by unlabeled samples information.───在计算的过程中, 使用了未标记样本的信息计算语义出现的后验概率.

Based on which, Posterior Probability measure is developed.───据此,建立了最大后验概率指标。

Another benefit of Posterior Probability measure is the low computational complexity and obvious global maximum.───这种指标的另一突出优点是计算复杂度很低,容易得到全局最优解.


Histogram of posterior probability distribution for earthquake to occur on various fault groups.

The Posterior probability output of binary SVM was generalized to multiclass SVM. Without iteration computing, this method improved prediction accuracy with fast computing.

Based on which, Posterior Probability measure is developed.

The posterior probability is computed from the prior and the likelihood function via Bayes' theorem.

According to Bayesian theory and Bayes Factor, the posterior probability of the calculation sample belonging to a model is calculated.

The theorem states that the posterior probability is proportional to the prior probability multiplied by the likelihood.

Simultaneously, this method provides the posterior probability density and the error bars of estimated weights, which deduces the uncertainty of reconstruction.

It proves that the posterior probability about experiments makes up hemigroup then proves that the posterior probability of the order experiments and the accumulation experiments are the same.

In the process, we calculate the posterior probability of semantics by unlabeled samples information.

  • posterior wall
  • posterior pituitary
  • posteriori probability
  • posteriors sake
  • posterior tibial
  • posteriori latin
  • posterior mediastinum




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