

词汇 poking around
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looking around───游览;到处察看;到处寻找

poncing around───四处游荡

asking around───到处打听

coming around───来;苏醒,恢复知觉

going around───四处走动;供应;(消息)流传

moping around───无精打采地徘徊;闷闷不乐

moving around───v.走来走去;绕着……来回转


I often enjoy poking around to see who is writing what from where.───我经常上去逛逛,看看谁又在哪个地方写了些什么。

We've had journalists poking around and asking a lot of questions.───我们让记者追着问了许多问题。

The police spent the day poking around in his office but found nothing.───警察花了一天时间搜查他的办公室,但是没有发现什么情况。

Luke: Oh yeah the last time I saw a doctor you went poking around like a Turkish drug enforcement officer with an attitude.───路克:上次有个医生严肃的像个土耳其反毒品检查官一样,对我东戳西戳的。

The latest intellectual property laws impose unprecedented restrictions on the sort of poking around that leads to new ideas.───最新的知识产权法对于能够催生新想法的那种不规矩行为施加了前所未有的限制。

If you want him in a gladiator costume, don't let him start poking around in your shoe closet.───比如你想要他来个角斗士造型,叫别让他在你的鞋柜里漫无目的地寻找。

Psychologists know you have to be careful when you go poking around the human mind because you're never sure what you'll find there.───心理学家认为,当你触及他人思想的时候必须格外小心,因为你永远也无法肯定你将会发现些什么。

A number of foreign fund managers have begun poking around the market, impressed by the valuations.───许多外国基金经理人开始把手指伸向了市场周围,他们为价值估计所动。

To be a talented detective, a latter-day Columbo keeps poking around, but focuses on the sensory-emotive connection instead.───要成为一个优秀的侦探,一个后者天钶保持撬拨左右,但侧重于感官情绪方面代替。


The police spent the day poking around in his office but found nothing.

Dan loves poking around in hobby shops, looking for new airplanes.

I spent Sunday afternoon poking around an old bookshop.

He spent his weekends poking around dusty old bookshops.

We've had journalists poking around and asking a lot of questions.

I'm tired of the press poking around in my private life.

Stop poking around in my business!

I've been poking around General Miscellany for a few minutes when a Chinese ceramic Jesus stops me cold.

I spent last night poking around the site with a flashlight and a Polaroid.

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