

词汇 please go
释义 please go
please go发音



please God───但愿;如果上帝愿意

leave go───离开去吧







Go! Please go."—"You must be joking!"───走吧!请走吧。”—“你一定是在开玩笑!”

Please go in front.───请前面走。

It's over, John. Please go.───已经结束了,约翰。请走吧。

And I did that, and the manager called up and said, 'Would you please go through me to talk to my employees? '───我那么做了,然后那个经理打电话给我说:‘能不能请你通过我与我的员工交流?

Please go in by the door on the left. A bellman will show you to the front desk.───请继续往左边门走。阿贝尔曼将带您到前台。

Please go back and tell the king that I really dare not accept his kindness. Let me be a common person all the same.───请你回去告诉昭王,小民实在不敢领受他的好意,还是让我做个小老百姓吧!

Paul: It took so long to get you to listen to me that I've forgotten. Sorry, please go back to whatever you were doing.───保罗:因为花了太多时间请大家注意,所以我忘记要说什么。对不起,请继续做你们刚才正在做的事情。

"I wouldn't like to see Prime Minister Kan prolong. He said he would go. Please go. It's not a question to be debated, " Tanaka said.───他说:“我不希望菅直人首相继续拖拖拉拉。我认为他应该下台。请立刻下台。这一个不需要辩论的问题。”

Teacher: Well, please go follow me with your 'A Nutshell of A House'after class. I desire to read it , too.───太好了,下课后请你们带着你们的《蜗居》跟我走吧!我也想看看。


please go easy on me.

"Go! Please go." — "You must be joking!".

If you must smoke, please go outside.

I don't mean to interrupt. Please go on.

Hi,July, please go easy on me!

No, please go ahead.

Please go first - I insist!

Please go and get him.

Please go to the end of the line.

  • please hurry
  • please select login method
  • please stop
  • please send
  • pleased as punch
  • please t
  • pleased at
  • please advise
  • pleased with
  • please not
  • please sir
  • please go
  • please see
  • please come then
  • please select boot device
  • please fly
  • please walt
  • please be
  • please come in
  • please don t cry
  • please be quiet




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