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词汇 play on words
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plays on words───诙谐双关语;说俏皮话

war of words───口水战

play one's cards───玩牌

a war of words───口舌之争

form of words───词的形式

last words───遗言

loan words───外来语借词

playing cards───打牌;扑克牌;玩扑克牌;纸牌类

eat one's words───收回前言;承认错误


Pun, a commonly-used rhetorical devicc, a play on words, differs from riddle.───双关不同于谜语,前者是一种修辞方式,一种文字游戏;

Don't play on words, I can't catch the meaning.───你不要玩文字游戏, 我不懂.

And God rested, chuckling at His own little play on words.───神安息了, 对于刚才自己的一语双关,他吃吃地笑了.

's mirage, but its also a play on words of the "a rose by any other name..." variety.───先生译为:“姓名本来是没有意义的;我们叫做玫瑰的这一种花,要是换了个名字,他的香味还是同样的芬芳。”如出一辙的演出。

Most of the comedians jokes involved a play on words.───喜剧演员的笑话大多是一语双关.

There are thousands of jokes which use play on words to amuse us.───有成千上万个笑话用双关语来逗乐我们.

So Fourth became Forth, a nicer play on words anyway.───所以Fourth就变成Forth了反正是个不错的文字游戏。


Such, at least, is the suggestion of that play on words.

This is a humorous pun, or play on words for hilarious effect.

This was a play on words.

In this chapter, I hope to show that these distinctions are important and not merely a play on words.

The name of the shop - 'Strata Various' - is a play on words, because it sounds like 'Stradivarius', the famous violin maker.

Perhaps the best solution is to see the place as a play on words.

With Abraham's and Sarah's laughter the storyteller is indulging in another play on words.

None the less the play on words is there in the text, and is appropriate.

The advertising slogan was a play on words.

  • play a game
  • play violin
  • play hard
  • play squash
  • play back
  • play redeem
  • play the harp
  • play chicken
  • playg mes
  • play sports
  • play with sth
  • played down
  • play a trip
  • play way
  • play hand
  • play balls
  • play by the ear
  • play Serv
  • play garden
  • play all
  • play favorites




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