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词汇 play along
释义 play along
play along发音


等待回音或决定; 合作; (使)沿…闪动; 荡漾


plays along───合作;焦虑地等待

played along───合作;焦虑地等待

play a song───演唱歌曲,弹奏歌曲

playing along───合作;焦虑地等待

to play along───一起玩

play around───玩耍;胡搞;轻率对待

all along───自始至终,一直


Why can't you just play along?───为什么你不合作 呢 ?

He decided to play along with the burglars for the moment.───他决定暂时与这群窃贼同流合污.

The kids play along the bank, clambering over a tree that spans the water.───孩子们在河岸上嬉耍, 爬上一棵斜伸到水面上的树.

She was in charge, so I had to play along with her odd ideas.───她是负责人, 对她的怪念头我只好假意听从.

We'll play along with his suggestion, although it's not exactly what we wanted.───我们将按照他的建议行事, 尽管他的建议并不完全切合我们的需要.

Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.───帕夫不再到以前的航线去戏水.

You can play along the lines of what the coach told you.───你就按教练教你的方法去练.

I agreed to play along with her.───我同意与她合作.

Almost certainly not. But it’s fun to play along, so close your eyes, put on your imagination cap and come along with us.───几乎可以肯定当然不会,但这很有趣,所以请闭上你的双眼,插上梦想之翼,和我们一起开始这段旅程。

Asian neighbours, eyeing Myanmar's resources, are happy to play along.───亚洲的邻居们,注视着缅甸的资源,很乐意合作。

I decided to play along with her idea.───我决定假意听从她的意见。

But he decided to play along.───可他决定继续看下去.

Obviously the children play along around in these camps if and it is a challenge.───显然这些绕着营地玩的孩子是一项挑战.

Sometimes they would play along with us and to be scared by some ghost or witch.───有时候他们会跟我们一起玩,假装被鬼或者女巫吓着了.

I am glad you've decided to play along.───我高兴的是你决定合作了.

He decided to play along in the end.───他终于决定采取合作的态度.

Plus, you can play along with examples on the bonus CD!───此外, 您可以一起玩的奖金光盘的例子!

He was in charge, so I had to play along with his ideas.───他是负责人, 对他的念头我只好服从.

  • play a game
  • play violin
  • play hard
  • play squash
  • play back
  • play redeem
  • play the harp
  • play chicken
  • playg mes
  • play sports
  • play with sth
  • played down
  • play a trip
  • play way
  • play hand
  • play balls
  • play by the ear
  • play Serv
  • play garden
  • play all
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