

词汇 pizza dough
释义 pizza dough
pizza dough发音



pasta dough───面团

firm dough───硬面团

pizza joint───比萨店

pizza oven───比萨烤箱


pizza parlours───比萨饼店

knead dough───揉面

pizza base───比萨饼饼底

pizza bases───比萨饼饼底


You could easily make this pizza dough by hand, but I like to do in the Kitchen-Aid.───用手也可以轻而易举的做出这个蛋糕,但是我喜欢用揉面机。

For speed we used packets of pizza dough mix.───为了赶速度,我们用了几包做比萨饼的混合面粉。

Pizza dough must be kneaded for five minutes.───做比萨饼的面团要揉5分钟。

This is so what I've needed, and I'm ready to give the pizza dough a crack.───这正是我所需要的,我已经准备好了给比萨饼面团重重一摔。

That said, I knead pizza dough for less time than I used to.───如上文所说,我揉匹萨面团的时间比原来要短。

Our pizza dough topped with oregano, fresh garlic, and mozzarella , serve with a bowl of our pizza sauce.───比萨外沿的面饼圈撒上、鲜蒜末和意大利干酪,配本店秘制比萨酱。

Refer to those machines most appropriate to sheeting dough for pizzas as, "Pizza Dough Sheeters. "───是指机器最合适的披萨,薄膜面团,“比萨生面团压片机。”


Whole wheat flour can be substituted for all-purpose flour in most recipes, including when making bread, cookies, pastries, pastry dough, pizza dough, cakes, muffins, pancakes and waffles.

Pizza dough is more oily than a standard bread dough.

Pizza dough should be rolled thinly.

For speed we used packets of pizza dough mix.

  • pizza man
  • pizza shop
  • pizza shops
  • pizza delivery
  • pizza pie




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