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词汇 pieced together
释义 pieced together
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piece together───拼凑

pieces together───拼凑

patched together───拼凑

piecing together───拼凑

lived together───同居,生活在一起

pulled together───齐心协力

to piece together───拼凑

bunched together───聚在一起

knocked together───草草做成;相撞


Bit by bit, we have pieced together incredible vistas of creation.───一点一点地,我们拼凑出了令人难以置信的创造图景。

Broken bones were painstakingly pieced together and reshaped.───断裂的骨头被十分小心地拼凑到一起重新成形。

They've pieced together his movements for the last few days before his death.───他们已经渐渐查明了他死前最后几天里的行踪。

But after years of detective work and long conversations with her ailing father, Franks eventually pieced together most of his story.───但是在几年时间的侦查和与病中父亲长时间的沟通后,弗兰克斯终于拼凑出了父亲大概的经历。

Bit by bit, we have pieced together incredible vistas of creation next to which we and our entire Earth are less than ants in an anthill.───一点一点地,我们建立起这样一幅图景:我们以及我们的地球只不过是宇宙瀚海星云中的沧海一粟。

He said: "The puzzle is slowly being pieced together, and the science of autism is accelerating in promising ways. "───他说:‘我们正在一片一片地把这个图拼起来。孤独症的研究工作正在信心十足地加速进行。’

As readers already familiar with XML will have pieced together, XML is something of a hybrid.───读者已经熟悉XML是拼凑起来的,XML从某种程度上来说是个混合物。

She pieced together odds and ends of cloth and made some clothes for her baby.───她把零头碎布拼起来为婴孩做了些衣服。

Life is just a pile of parts never pieced together the imitation, no charisma at all.───只是一堆永无生命的的零件拼凑而成的仿制品,根本没有任何人格魅力可言。


They've pieced together his movements for the last few days before his death.

The account of their journey has been pieced together from personal letters and diaries.

Researchers have pieced together the history of a reversal from other sources.

He pieced together the torn-up drawings.

He slowly pieced together the torn fragments of a letter.

The tragedy is now being pieced together from a variety of reports from outside the immediate impact area.

Her early life has been pieced together from several different sources.

She pieced together odds and ends of cloth.

Broken bones were painstakingly pieced together and reshaped.





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